Athletes have the obligation to give back to community

While serving the community is important for all students, athletes should be required to participate in community service activities as a part of their team.

It is important that sports teams learn how to develop leadership in other areas besides on the team.

In past years, basketball, cheerleading, football, cross country and other sports have participated in service events such as Soup at Six, Race Against Hate, and more.

Sports stars do contribute to the community by playing their sport and providing community connection around the sport. However, community service can be humbling for any person and sports teams can always benefit from a reminder to stay grounded.

Mary Collins, Community Service Coordinator, explains that while all sports teams are encouraged to participate in community service, making service a requirement can bring out problems. Collins feels that having players step up to perform service is more rewarding.

Leadership skills are essential in sports, and community service can help develop them.

Though finding the time can be difficult, it is important to carve it out of the team’s schedule. ETHS should implement a policy of one major service activity for each team. They should be required to have hands-on involvement for the service activity, such as preparing food for a soup kitchen or playing sports with younger athletes.