The Musical Offering Show (MO Show) is a musical production written and directed by students in Evanston. MO Show starts its 13th year preparing for their next musical after their virtual performance during the pandemic. The Musical Offering, an Evanston music school and nonprofit, runs the annual performance. This year, fundraising has started for upcoming shows and a documentary.
“The Musical Offering has a budget for us, and there was a bake sale at the end of July that raised a good amount of money. We’re looking into grants and other fundraising methods to help us get the amount of money we need to put on the show,” senior and MO Show board member Ruby Winer says.
MO Show can help students with important life skills and self-expression.
“It’s an opportunity for students to be put in leadership roles, have some creative freedom and create something that’s actually theirs,” Ella Macek, a choreographer for the show and sophomore, says.
Winer agrees that MO Show has opened new doors.
“I’ve never been in this kind of leadership position, and I’m very excited to make the most of it and help the cast members and other board members have the best possible time that we can have, just because this year is so crazy,” Winer explains.
The cast has begun rehearsals and is currently working on preparing its next show, with a documentary in tandem. Both Winer and Macek drive home the positive atmosphere of the show.
“I found that theater can be very competitive. MO Show is less competitive and more like, ‘Come have a good time’, and it’s still a good production,” Winer says.
To keep up with The Musical Offering and donate, go to the MO Show website.