Hallmark’s annual and beloved “Countdown to Christmas” special started a month and a half ago, on October 18th. The special features a non-stop stream of holiday movies provided by their network. This year, there are over 50 new movies.
The Hallmark channel comes from the company Hallmark, founded in 1910 by Joyce Hall. Originally, Hallmark was simply a greeting card supplier. Hallmark movies began in the 1950s, the first movie being “Amahl and the Night Visitors,” released in 1951. The movie was a one-act opera that gained the support of many Hallmark viewers. The story follows a shepherd boy and his mother who live in Judea and are experiencing extreme poverty. The two are visited by The Three Wise Kings, King Melchior, King Gaspar and King Balthasar, who bring the mother-son pair gifts and try to reinvoke the holiday spirit within them. After this hit, Hallmark continued to produce movies, especially around the holiday season. Finally, after many years of creating festive films, the company got its television channel in 2001.
Now, it has evolved into what is thought of as a rom-com channel that is known specifically for its holiday movies. Every year, the Hallmark channel has an exciting series of Christmas movies that range from love storylines to fun comedies to bring light to the holidays. Some of the most popular Hallmark movies include “An Unexpected Christmas,” “Let it Snow,” “Three Wise Men and a Baby” and “Switched for Christmas.”
Hallmark movies can bring joy and comfort to those looking for holiday-themed entertainment, and the movies are simply that–entertaining.