As the beautiful yet heartbreaking story of “Radium Girls” unfolded on stage, the performance was captivating. The ETHS Theater Department executed this play perfectly. Through an interesting plot, wonderful acting, and a beautiful set and costumes, the production of “Radium Girls” was an educational must-see.
“Radium Girls” by DW Gregory is set in the 1920s and is the true story of Grace Fryer. Fryer was a factory worker fighting for her and her colleagues’ safety in factories that used radium, a toxic element that was poisoning the workers and destroying their health. Fryer was challenging the U.S. Radium Plant to prove the dangers of radium, but U.S. Radium was making good business off the radium-painted products since they were useful to the army. The lawsuit could ruin everything they had, and they were determined to keep radium in use.
The play lasted about two hours with a short intermission in the middle, which was the perfect amount of time to tell the whole story while keeping the audience engaged.
The most notable thing from the play was the incredible acting. The emotions displayed throughout the play were impressive, and each character felt unique and developed. From sick factory workers to ambitious company presidents, it was clear that each actor was immersed in their character and had done everything they could to bring them to life. Jane MorrisHoffer, who played the main character of Grace Fryer, really captured Grace’s struggle and was able to depict such raw emotions. Morrishoffer’s performance as Grace’s health deteriorated was outstanding, and Harrison Morgan’s accent as Dr. Von Sochoky was also very impressive.
The set and the costumes were also really well done. The set was simple, but the use of lighting, setup, and props gave variety to the play. For example, in the scenes in the factory, the lighting was brighter and there were many more tables, while in the meeting between the U.S. Radium president and others in the company, the lighting was a bit dimmer and focused on just one conference table, which created an ominous atmosphere that enhanced the scene. The characters’ costumes also did an expert job setting the scene for the time period they were in. The stage crew did a great job of making sure everything ran smoothly, as the transitions between scenes were seamless.
ETHS Theater has been known for its skillful performances, and this show upheld that reputation. The acting, the costumes, and the set came together to create an inspiring and entertaining show.