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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

ETHS students explore Japanese culture.

Students explore Japanese language, culture through school trip

Sari Oppenheimer, Staff Writer February 28, 2020

On Jan. 25, the ETHS Japanese class departed on a two week trip to Japan to explore the language, culture of the country and to have a once in a life-time experience. The 2020 Japan trip included 20 students,...

Students create Excite club to continue legacy of former program

Zachary Bahar and Louise Bond February 28, 2020

In 2015, Northwestern cut the funding for Project Excite which, according to a Longitudinal Study of Project Excite conducted at Northwestern and published in 2017, provided extracurricular education programming...

District 65 parents meet at Lincolnwood on Feb. 20.

District 65 parents discuss ‘How To Be an Antiracist’

Rebecca Lustig, Staff Writer February 28, 2020

Since the beginning of this school year, District 65 parents have gathered regularly as part of the Next Steps series to understand how racism impacts the schools and address solutions. This year, the...

ETHS sophomore receives honorable mention in The New York Times essay contest

Zachary Bahar, News Editor February 3, 2020

Every year, The New York Times runs a personal narrative essay contest for high school students; this year, an Evanston sophomore—Madeline Gingold—received an honorable mention with her essay “The...

Shifted finals schedule prompts student and staff response

Shifted finals schedule prompts student and staff response

Louise Bond and Sari Oppenheimer January 31, 2020

A monumental change. For the first time in recent history, ETHS held its first semester finals before winter break, a move intended to improve student well-being The school board voted to approve this...

A new look at education: how a pilot program between ETHS and Northwestern is redefining educational justice

Avi Shapira and Sofia Williams January 31, 2020

For the last couple of Mondays, when the final bell rings early at 2:09 p.m., while the rest of ETHS is dismissed from school, 26 ETHS students wait for their 3:30 pm bus. The bus that they board will...

How student political involvement will flip the script in 2020

How student political involvement will flip the script in 2020

Zachary Bahar and Rebecca Lustig January 31, 2020

On Jan. 17, 45 ETHS students traveled to Iowa to experience first-hand political activity. With the Iowa caucuses approaching on Feb. 3, many Democratic presidential candidates focus their attention on...

Empty Bowl raises money for local organizations

Empty Bowl raises money for local organizations

Zachary Bahar, News Editor December 13, 2019

The 19th annual Empty Bowl fundraiser event took place on Dec. 4 with aims to continue the efforts of ETHS students and community members to help fight hunger and food instability in Evanston.       The...

Different times, same topics. Why are student newspapers still writing about the same issues in 2019?

Sari Oppenheimer, Staff Writer December 13, 2019

Since its creation in 1916, The Evanstonian has been ETHS’s student led newspaper, highlighting issues that matter to students and the community at large. In addition to The Evanstonian, there was also...

Photo courtesy of Sheila Skweres.

HOSA chapter comes to Evanston

Louise Bond, Staff Writer December 13, 2019

On Nov. 6, the ETHS chapter of HOSA—Future Health Professionals, or Health Occupations for Students of America — had its first club meeting.  According to the HOSA website, HOSA is an international...

Minding the gap: how ETHS is addressing racial achievement gap

Rebecca Lustig and Sofia Williams December 13, 2019

The racial and socioeconomic achievement gap is an issue that has long plagued high schools around the country, and the latest ETHS Annual Achievement Report shows that ETHS is no different. Data from...

Evanston: a community of faiths

Evanston: a community of faiths

Zachary Bahar and Avi Shapira December 13, 2019

As winter begins, the holiday spirit takes full form across the country, bringing self-examinations of religion and how people balance their religious and secular lives. The Evanstonian has dedicated this...

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