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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Archived Opinion

A student looks longingly at a picture of the Eiffel Tower.

Students should take the chance to study abroad

Peggy Giordano, Opinion Editor May 29, 2015

Studying abroad changes you. The chance to experience a new culture enables you to connect with people on a deeper, and more meaningful level. College is a place where you will learn, and most importantly...

ETHS curriculum unlike any other

ETHS curriculum unlike any other

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor May 29, 2015

Don’t worry, seniors, the future is yours for the taking. ETHS has given students unique opportunities that few other high schoolers have access to. It is for this reason that our students should...

Columnist Claire Greising

One last thing: Evanston’s Declassified Survival Guide

Claire Greising, Opinion Columnist May 29, 2015

Advice is a strange thing. It hardly ever comes when we need it. When it does, we probably aren’t ready to hear it. Looking back on my four years at ETHS, I have done a lot of dumb things here. That...

Community Service Club students make holiday cards for hospitalized children.

ETHS should require community service

Gabby Smith, Opinion Editor May 29, 2015

Don’t be selfish, seniors. This community has provided you with countless opportunities to share your talents with others. It’s time to start giving back. Service is a chance to do some good....

Sophomore history switch short-changes students

Sophomore history switch short-changes students

Rena Newman, Opinion Editor May 1, 2015

Three years ago, ETHS gave its sophomores the outstanding chance to choose from Global History electives - but two years ago, those choices were yanked from the curriculum. Left in their place is a watery...

The Hub has become a noisy free for all

The Hub has become a noisy free for all

Gabby Smith, Opinion Editor May 1, 2015

One stop party? That’s what the Hub has become: a place where students hang out and make noise instead of the ‘one stop shop to foster interactive learning and collaboration”, however, it has...

Student election system needs change

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer May 1, 2015

Stop whining and start voting However, students still complain about aspects of the school they don’t like such as: Snapchat is blocked on the wifi, the food doesn’t taste good, the parking lots...

‘Prom house’ tradition is treacherous, risky

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor May 1, 2015

Hey seniors, it’s time to reconsider your prom house. Every year, many students leave after their senior prom to go to a vacation home with all of their friends. Usually, this is a continuation of...

Get loud and proud

Claire Greising, Opinion Columnist March 30, 2015

It’s that time of year again. On April 17, the halls will fill up with students sporting rainbow wristbands, small notecards and fluorescent stickers. Passing periods will be a little quieter, teachers...

Push class selection back to more education forward

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer March 30, 2015

Push it back. Students need more time to pick their classes so they have a better idea of their level of interest and qualification for these courses. With the way selection is currently set up at...

Students and teachers quibble over parking lots

Linnea Lipson and Peggy Giordano March 30, 2015

In previous years students have been ticketed if they park in a lot not assigned to them, but this year problems have arisen that caused the parking lots to be wildly overcrowded. Recently, students...

The testing system defeats the purpose of learning

The testing system defeats the purpose of learning

Max Goldsmith and Grace Buszko-Clark March 30, 2015

Don’t depend on the curve. We live in a time where grades are based on memorization and scantrons. It’s hard to learn for the sake of learning when we are too focused on getting that A. In some classes,...

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