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The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Archived Opinion

Sophomore Lauren Marriott is appalled at the waste of paper used for receipts

The deception behind environmentalism

Gabby Smith, Opinion Editor March 30, 2015

Going green is no longer the smart choice; it’s the popular choice. In a study released by Harvard and Duke, researchers studied eco-friendly shoppers who decided to bring their own reusable bags to...

Warmer temperatures means colder winters

Warmer temperatures means colder winters

Claire Greising, Opinion Columnist February 27, 2015

Somewhere Inconvenient Truth star and former presidential candidate Al Gore must be laughing at us all. Last year, Chicago experienced its coldest winter since 1872, according to the National Weather Service....

28 days aren't needed for Black History

28 days aren’t needed for Black History

Gabby Smith, Opinion Editor February 27, 2015

I don’t want a month. As a black student who has been in the public school system for my entire life, I want for my history here in America to be regarded with equal importance to the accomplishments...

The School is Yours - Go Forth and Art Bomb

The School is Yours – Go Forth and Art Bomb

Rena Newman, Guest Opinion Writer February 27, 2015

Being an artist means pushing the boundaries. But during “Art Week”, the Art Department missed an important opportunity to support student expression. The week of February 9th - 13th was to be a...

Cut your times, not your hair

Cut your times, not your hair

Matt Shroeder, Opinion Writer February 27, 2015

Boys swimmers traditionally shave their heads at end of season. However, a simple swimcap is the best solution for increased speed in the water. One of the main arguments against swimmers cutting their...

Athletes have the obligation to give back to community

Athletes have the obligation to give back to community

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor February 27, 2015

While serving the community is important for all students, athletes should be required to participate in community service activities as a part of their team. It is important that sports teams learn...

PARCC testing limits students’ learning

Peggy Giordano, Opinion Editor February 27, 2015

The PARCC test is supposed to determine students’ readiness for post-secondary education, but it is taking away from valuable class time  to do so. PARCC stands for Partnership for Assessment of...

You can avoid failing

Claire Greising, Opinion Columnist February 11, 2015

Since this is the second semester, there’s a lot to think about. Underclassmen are plagued with the responsibility of selecting courses for the next calendar year and seniors must start sort-of deciding...

Junior Ceci Hansen holds her tardy pass.

Tardy policies are not severe enough

Gabby Smith, Opinion Writer February 11, 2015

Anarchy! The tardy policy is a joke, and too many students are showing up late. They should be dealt with just as severely as students who miss class entirely. Students need to realize that being...

Students waste service opportunities

Students waste service opportunities

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer February 11, 2015

Family First! Many ETHS students are involved in community service projects. These efforts should focus on the Evanston area first and foremost. The Evanston community should be your first priority...

Rena and Nkem

Our sit-in for Ferguson wasn’t a stand-up act

Rena Newman and Nkem Ekwenife, Guest Opinion Writers February 11, 2015

The recent sit-in for Ferguson didn’t really stand up to racial injustice. A greater conversation about the role of a white ally is long overdue. Racial tension crackles in the air with Selma’s...

Seniors should not drop second semester classes

Seniors should not drop second semester classes

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor February 11, 2015

It’s not break time. Now that it’s second semester, many seniors are ready to drop their more difficult classes in exchange for free periods, which is not a good idea in terms of the college acceptance...

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