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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Around E-Town

Don't let the status quo get you down

Don’t let the status quo get you down

Miyoki Walker, Entertainment Columnist May 24, 2018

You know that scene in the 2004 Tina Fey-written classic Mean Girls where the entire social dynamic of the high school lunchroom is summed up in a quick two-minute scene? And the students rip each...

Comedians should stand up for more than laughs

Comedians should stand up for more than laughs

Miyoki Walker, Entertainment Columnist April 27, 2018

Just kidding. Although the point of comedy is to make people laugh, comedians must be aware, not just of the intent, but also of the message they are sending with their jokes and the people they are...

Time's Up supporters must practice what they preach

Time’s Up supporters must practice what they preach

Miyoki Walker and Miyoki Walker February 22, 2018

That guy wearing a “Time’s Up” button on the red carpet supports sexual predators. 2017, dubbed “the year of reckoning” by the Chicago Tribune, was chock full of sexual assault allegations and...

"Get Out" as a comedy is the real joke

“Get Out” as a comedy is the real joke

Miyoki Walker, Entertainment Columnist December 15, 2017

Who’s laughing? Get Out, released in late February, gained instant critical acclaim for its portrayal of black oppression in the face of white liberalism. Following Chris, a black male meeting his white...

Stop romanticizing statutory rape

Stop romanticizing statutory rape

Miyoki Walker, Entertainment Editor November 21, 2017

Don’t let shows like Riverdale and Pretty Little Liars fool you. Statutory rape is illegal, unhealthy and should not be depicted on screen for teenage audiences. Riverdale, a CW produced adaptation...

Artist's actions can't be overlooked

Artist’s actions can’t be overlooked

Miyoki Walker, Entertainment Columnist November 3, 2017

Imagine you are listening to Spotify’s Top 50 on shuffle and a Chris Brown song comes on. Are you likely to skip the song, question why it’s on the list at all, or are you complicit? We claim to...

Don’t forgive celebrities’ bad behavior

Miyoki Walker and Miyoki Walker September 22, 2017

Although Taylor Swift is portrayed in the media as a “good girl,” she is not as innocent as she seems. Flashback to the moment when Kanye West takes the microphone from Taylor Swift, right as she...

Federal budget cuts jeopardize education, growth for youth

Federal budget cuts jeopardize education, growth for youth

Michael Colton, Entertainment Columnist April 21, 2017

Goodnight YAMO? Though the new federal budget proposal is not directly harmful to Evanston in particular, the federal government’s new policy on funding for the arts harms public schools all over...

Hollywood love stories promote sexism

Michael Colton, Entertainment Columnist December 16, 2016

Dumb love. Romance and film have gone together for decades. From Gone With the Wind to The Notebook, it seems as if every major film of the last century has had some sort of romantic subplot. This works...

Don’t repeat the same mistakes on social media

Don’t repeat the same mistakes on social media

Chloe Roberts, Entertainment Columnist May 13, 2016

Social media is full of amazing platforms and good times, but let’s not forget the chaos it has caused during our high school years. Mistakes are par for the course, we just have to make sure we’re...

Festivals are for music, not drugs and alcohol

Festivals are for music, not drugs and alcohol

Chloe Roberts, Entertainment Columnist April 25, 2016

Here’s your Lolla checklist: Lightweight shirt, sunglasses, wristband, weed, vodka… Substance abuse has become so normal that we see it as an obvious part of the festival experience, when the real...

Take art classes to boost your health and your grades

Take art classes to boost your health and your grades

Chloe Roberts, Entertainment Columnist March 18, 2016

Get smART. Too many of us stop taking art classes because we don’t realize all that they can do for us. From mental wellness to your GPA, art classes are worth considering. So you think you’re...

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