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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Arts & Ent.

Mural on Church St. showcases food and fitness theme.

Colorful concrete creates community

Sofie Kennedy and Alex Millan October 7, 2018

Many blank Evanston street walls have been transformed as the Evanston Murals Arts Program (EMAP) unites the community through public art. “I believe that art has the capacity to inspire and transform,...

Mid-Summer Music

Nora Miller, Staff Writer August 27, 2018

Without the stress of essays to turn in and tests to cram for, the earbuds are on and the speakers are turned up in the city of Evanston. With the new release of Drake’s new album, Scorpion, the...

Films with Finder

Evan Finder, Staff Writer August 27, 2018

Eighth Grade Bo Burnham’s directorial debut is grounded in a devastatingly awkward realism and that’s where it succeeds. The plot revolves around Kayla (Elsie Fisher), a girl about to graduate eighth...

Blake Shelton performs at Country Lakeshake.

Beat the heat

Sofie Kennedy, Sophie Monzo and Cam Mulvihill August 27, 2018

\Pitchfork, Lollapalooza and LakeShake were among several music festivals students attended this summer. Names as notable as Lauryn Hill, Post Malone, Bruno Mars, Travis Scott and Blake Shelton came...

Stars break silence over addiction

Sophie Monzo, Entertainment Columnist August 27, 2018

Say something. 7 million Americans suffer from a form of drug addiction, according to the American Addiction Center; there’s a big reason to talk about this mental illness consuming the country. ...

Our Must List

May 24, 2018

Don't let the status quo get you down

Don’t let the status quo get you down

Miyoki Walker, Entertainment Columnist May 24, 2018

You know that scene in the 2004 Tina Fey-written classic Mean Girls where the entire social dynamic of the high school lunchroom is summed up in a quick two-minute scene? And the students rip each...

Comedians should stand up for more than laughs

Comedians should stand up for more than laughs

Miyoki Walker, Entertainment Columnist April 27, 2018

Just kidding. Although the point of comedy is to make people laugh, comedians must be aware, not just of the intent, but also of the message they are sending with their jokes and the people they are...

Cam-mentary on A Chorus Line

Cam-mentary on A Chorus Line

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor April 27, 2018

A night full of music, dancing, comedic relief, and emotion was kicked off by auditionees showing off their skills to their director, Zach, played by Eric Periman. The hopeful dancers were soon informed...

Where the girls at?!

Where the girls at?!

Sophie Monzo, Entertainment Editor April 27, 2018

When, in late March, Lollapalooza released its long awaited lineup, many applauded at the wide range of genres covered; however, there was one major missing piece: women. After the drop of this year’s...

SoundCloud offers musical outlet for artistic students

SoundCloud offers musical outlet for artistic students

Sophie Monzo, Entertainment Editor March 23, 2018

Budding young artists are taking to popular music app, SoundCloud, allowing them to connect peers and friends to their music.    There are Evanston students who have made accounts and have been putting...

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