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The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Arts & Ent.

The ETHS Dance Company will take the stage on December 20th for their annual winter showcase.

Students exhibit their craft at Winter Dance Showcase

Nathan Shankar, Online Executive Editor December 8, 2017

‘Tis the season. The ETHS Dance Company is getting ready for their 3rd annual Winter Dance Showcase. Featuring numbers in styles as varied as Bollywood, hip hop, and contemporary, as well as pieces...

Stop romanticizing statutory rape

Stop romanticizing statutory rape

Miyoki Walker, Entertainment Editor November 21, 2017

Don’t let shows like Riverdale and Pretty Little Liars fool you. Statutory rape is illegal, unhealthy and should not be depicted on screen for teenage audiences. Riverdale, a CW produced adaptation...

Students request changes to formal dance

Students request changes to formal dance

Sofie Kennedy, Entertainment Editor November 21, 2017

As the seasons change, students want the Dec. 9 Fresh- man/Sophomore Formal dance to do the same. “The dance has not changed much since it was first introduced. Although, we are getting a lot...

Jasper Davidoff, Audrey Wientjes, Simon Lequar, Theresa Tsaggaris, and John Johnson practice for the show.

Jazz Band showcases skills at Big Band concert

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor November 21, 2017

Bands on bands. The Big Band Concert on Dec. 5-6 in the ETHS Auditorium will feature swing music from the 30s and 40s played by each level of Jazz Band. Big Band Jazz consists of four sections...

Seniors Ben Ballmer, Sam Bailey, and Marta Bady prepare for opening night.

Noises Off! cast prepares to command the stage

Sophie Monzo, Entertainment Editor November 21, 2017

360° This year’s fall play, Noises Off! includes an innovative rotating stage, hilarious characters and wild physical comedy. This farce follows actors as they travel together from stage-to-stage....

Students present art at open house

Students present art at open house

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor November 3, 2017

500 pieces of art. 500 themed visual artworks ranging from sculptures to mixed media video projects from District 65 and 202 students are going to be featured at this year’s D65/202 Visual Arts Open...

Frosh/Soph actors prepare for their upcoming production.

Freshman and sophomores perform dramatic comedy

Sophie Monzo, Entertainment Editor November 3, 2017

She killed what? The Frosh/Soph fall play brings the dramatic comedy She Kills Monsters to the stage until Nov. 4. The play centers on the story of Agnes Evans and her time going into the world of Dungeons...

Artist's actions can't be overlooked

Artist’s actions can’t be overlooked

Miyoki Walker, Entertainment Columnist November 3, 2017

Imagine you are listening to Spotify’s Top 50 on shuffle and a Chris Brown song comes on. Are you likely to skip the song, question why it’s on the list at all, or are you complicit? We claim to...

Student sings at previous E-Town Idol competition.

Evanston talent take the stage for E-Town Idol

Sofie Kennedy, Entertainment Editor November 3, 2017

Star search. E-Town Idol will host its annual talent-filled competition on Nov. 10, which will showcase selected student singers, dancers, and musicians. “E-Town Idol is a diverse opportunity that...

ETHS student featured in world premiere play

ETHS student featured in world premiere play

Nathan Shankar, Online Executive Editor October 24, 2017

Not every teen gets the opportunity to perform in a professional theater production, but for the past few months, junior Hannah Goodman has been preparing for the world premiere of "Moving Boxes". A...

Students dance at Homecoming 2015.

Evanston dresses to impress at Homecoming

Sofie Kennedy, Entertainment Editor October 14, 2017

From safari to sparkles. Tomorrow’s homecoming dance takes a turn for the fancier side of things after students voted for a ‘dress to impress’ theme. “This year’s homecoming dance is semi-formal...

The YAMO cast prepares for their upcoming show

A murder mystery in Evanston

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor September 22, 2017

Old but still gold. As YAMO’s 60th anniversary arrives this fall, the themes of past shows fuel this year’s “YAMO, She Wrote” murder mystery theme. According to senior General Director Asher...

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