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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Arts & Ent.

Chicago music scene is overlooked and under-appreciated

Chicago music scene is overlooked and under-appreciated

Annabel Paulsen, Online Writer December 11, 2015

On Oct. 28, Halsey played a sold-out show at the Vic in the northern part of Chicago. The room is packed, every crevice filled by a person surrounding the small stage, which is sparsely decorated but...

To Kill a Mockingbird brings unique adaptation

To Kill a Mockingbird brings unique adaptation

Michael Colton, Entertainment Editor November 20, 2015

  The classic novel has been taught in schools for decades, you may have even read it in your sophomore english class, or seen the film starring Gregory Peck. Now, you can experience To Kill a...

Hilarious student comedy show leaves audience wanting YAMOre

Viveka Herzum, Entertainment Editor October 30, 2015

Good comedy needs relevance, and this year’s YAMO sketch comedy show was a goldmine of Wildkit references and inside jokes. Between Chromebook insults and logo tear downs, BCC callouts and Friday...

Eli Listig and Marlylin Flores brainstorm ideas for an upcoming film project.

Roll the Tape: Short film projects encourage artistic appreciation among students

Michael Colton, Entertainment Writer October 30, 2015

Everybody loves movies, but few can claim to have created one. The ETHS Film Club recently began the creation process of several short films, all from the minds of students. “These projects are...

Celebrate the holidays without spending money

Celebrate the holidays without spending money

Chloe Roberts, Entertainment Editor October 30, 2015

You’re materialistic. You’re ruining the holidays and forgetting their meanings by emptying your wallets for every single one. Sure, the old-timey name for Halloween is All Hallow’s Eve, but...

Dylan Dishner, Jacob Wilson, and Grey Turley rehearse an early scene where Tom threatens a new boy in town.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer opens Nov. 12

Sebastian Johnson, Entertainment Editor October 30, 2015

This year’s frosh/soph production of Tom Sawyer promises to entertain Mark Twain fans old and new alike. The cast hopes to bring a mix of skill, focus and commitment that is not often found among...

Social media gives musicians new outlet

Margo Levitan, Entertainment Editor October 30, 2015

Turn up your speakers. With programs like Soundcloud and Youtube, students with a passion for music can have the same quality as the biggest stars with a click of a button. Being a high school musician...

Androgynous trend about more than  ‘borrowing from the boys’

Androgynous trend about more than ‘borrowing from the boys’

Viveka Herzum and Annabel Paulson October 5, 2015

Fashion follows culture. And at ETHS, students’ increasing freedom of self expression mirrors society’s slow progress in terms of gender boundaries. There has been a recent surge in the acceptance...

Jazz Band to open at Chicago Showcase

Jazz Band to open at Chicago Showcase

Margo Levitan, Entertainment Editor October 5, 2015

Pushing the envelope. Not only are Jazz Band students looking forward to their fall concert on Oct. 20, but they will also be anticipating performing at the Chicago Jazz Showcase on Oct. 14. The...

Listening for free causes problems if you don’t  pay eventually

Listening for free causes problems if you don’t pay eventually

Chloe Roberts, Entertainment Columnist October 5, 2015

Step up. Always listening to music for free hurts the musicians, producers, writers and others who are behind the songs, because they’re hardly being paid. You have a responsibility as a listener...

Ocean’s delay causing fans to jump ship

Ocean’s delay causing fans to jump ship

Sebastian Johnson, Entertainment Editor October 5, 2015

Few musicians have the dedicated fan base of Frank Ocean, but with recent delays to his upcoming album, that fan base may dwindle. “Yes, ‘Boys Don’t Cry’ is coming out,” says a Def Jam Representative...

A Cappella popularity surges

A Cappella popularity surges

Michael Colton, Entertainment Editor October 5, 2015

A Cappella attracts talented singers of all ages as a form of practice and competition and now, casual groups at ETHS allow anyone to join in. “Here at ETHS, we have something for students at any...

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