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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Arts & Ent.

Start posting for your own enjoyment

Start posting for your own enjoyment

Chloe Roberts, Entertainment Columnist September 18, 2015

Hey, go like my instagram. So many a teen have sent or received this text. Whether it be our newest “insta,” Facebook profile picture, or tweet, we are always checking the hearts, likes and favorites,...

Get ready for the YAMO Comedy Network

Get ready for the YAMO Comedy Network

Sebastian Johnson, Entertainment Editor September 18, 2015

This October, you have to tune in to the Comedy Network. The YAMO Comedy Network that is. Now in its fifty eighth year, YAMO seeks to change up the formula while still honoring their legacy with the...

Straight outta Evanston

Straight outta Evanston

Viveka Herzum, Entertainment Editor September 18, 2015

“You’ll never make it.” Any student who seeks to pursue a career in the arts has probably heard this at some point in their high school career, thinly veiled in the concern of a well-intentioned...

New art gallery displays student creativity

Michael Colton, Entertainment Editor September 18, 2015

Student art can be seen in many places around ETHS, as well as on the internet. So, you may wonder why you should make time to visit the area in front of the auditorium for the ETHS art gallery. “It...

Don't diss a playlist: Respect more genres of music

Don’t diss a playlist: Respect more genres of music

Chloe Roberts, Entertainment Columnist August 24, 2015

I love One Direction. What did you do? Roll your eyes? Groan? Start judging me and my entire existence? Usually I receive a combination of the above when I say those four words. The next thing that happens...

Tyler, The Creator

Do you wanna go to a concert?

Viveka Hurzum, Entertainment Editor August 24, 2015

Live music is irreplaceable. Some of the best memories are made at booming concert halls and dingy rock gigs, laughing and shouting with friends. Some go for the fun, some for the status, and many for...

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