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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


‘Foster School was a pillar’: honoring the legacy of Foster School

January 28, 2022

Closely following the closure of Foster School and the move of Martin Luther King Jr. Laboratory School into the Second Ward, families throughout Evanston had different reactions to the educational changes.  “I...

Formative years of Northwestern led to the founding, growth of Evanston

January 28, 2022

Evanston and Northwestern University’s history is so entangled and intertwined, it is easy to forget which was the predecessor. However, Northwestern has asserted its dominance and control of the North...

Amidst controversy, tracked classes remain

January 28, 2022

Despite Alson’s best efforts, racism via tracking continued to prevail. Lower expectations of academic success materialized through the same courses offered in varying degrees of rigor and “intelligence.” ...

Mobilization of a city

Jilian Denlow, Assistant Feature Editor January 28, 2022

 The racial disparities that appear at the basis of Evanston’s institutions are commonly attributed to the presence of prejudicial behavior within the housing market. Often viewed as an indication of...

‘A Negative Attitude’: Desegregation harms Fifth Ward residents

January 28, 2022

With Foster School set to establish a kindergarten center in the fall of 1966, one of the main goals was to adapt a program that would entice white parents through curating curriculum centered around students’...

Illustration by Aiyana Jehan

Building upon the history that has shaped our city: The Evanstonian staff’s commitment to equity and growth

January 28, 2022

As The Evanstonian’s staff, we want to thank our readers for their commitment and engagement with this issue. Throughout our process, we have come to value Evanston’s history so deeply, and we hope...

Northwestern and Evanston’s relationship in the modern era 

January 28, 2022

Across the blocks and streets of homes in Evanston, many residents have rectangular signs displayed in their front yard—some to commemorate graduations, others to express support for political candidates....

Reflecting on the perception of NU and Evanston

January 28, 2022

For over a century and a half, Northwestern has maintained an immense and influential presence in Evanston. “Northwestern is an anchor institution in the City of Evanston. Given the size of Northwestern...

‘We were well educated’: students, staff reflect on Foster School impact

January 28, 2022

To add a layer of complexity to the changing demographics of Foster School, Brown v. Board of Education (1954) reignited past conversations about what it would mean to desegregate Evanston schools. Because...

‘An ethnic white community’: Foster School opens its doors

January 28, 2022

Foster School, located at 2010 Dewey Avenue, was the pulse of Evanston’s Fifth Ward for much of the 20th century, only for it to be closed as a neighborhood attendance school in 1967 and closed entirely...

Evanston: A city shaped by political engagement

Jojo Wertheimer, Digital Content Editor January 28, 2022

In 2012, Evanstonians had the opportunity to vote on a referendum to build a school in the city’s Fifth Ward, an area which has been without a neighborhood elementary school since 1967. By affirming...

Racist encounters inspire mobilization

January 28, 2022

As the only public high school in Evanston, ETHS welcomed all students in the community from its founding in 1883. Unfortunately, there are limited accounts of racialized experiences and statistics in...

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