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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


Illustration by Lila Portis

On and off: perspectives about cameras on Zoom

Ahania Soni, Staff Writer December 14, 2020

Your environment always impacts how you learn. Who knew we would become nostalgic for the columns of laminated posters peeling off walls, and the rows of beige or steely grey desks, with their wads of...

Illustration by Madison McGuire

A monumental moment: what students hope from Biden administration

Ingrid Halverson and Cheyenne Edwards November 16, 2020

Throughout the week of Nov. 3, the entire country waited anxiously for a decisive outcome of the 2020 presidential election. On Saturday, Nov. 7, Joe Biden was projected as the 46th President of the United...

Culture of disinformation confuses teen voters

Culture of disinformation confuses teen voters

Eden Drajpuch, Feature Editor November 16, 2020

In the lead up to the 2020 election and in the days since, perhaps more than ever before, a culture of false information has been present online. Despite both misinformation and disinformation leading...

Jake Vasilias works the polls on Election Day 2020.

Students take to the polls in more ways than one

November 16, 2020

Elections don’t simply happen. Behind the scenes, there are people working to make sure everything runs smoothly. As we’ve seen this year, making sure that every vote is counted can take time....

Illustration by Valerie Larsen

As COVID-19 rages on, students fear winter months

Saliha Ansari and Sydney Hletko November 16, 2020

The COVID-19 case count across the world has surged, reaching 54.3 million cases as of Nov. 15, and Evanston is no exception. As winter approaches, students are concerned about what the third wave of the...

Illustration by Ellie Lind

Seasons change, the skating community remains

Dylan Guevara, Staff Writer November 16, 2020

“Any day is a good day to skate,” Jamie McNear explains.  McNear is a skater who is saying this at what is referred to as “L wood” skate park on a warm afternoon. He is an Evanston native and...

Illustration by Lila Portis

Students, staff honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg

Ali Cutter and Lila Portis October 20, 2020

On Sept. 18, the whole country learned of the passing of 87-year-old Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg (RBG) from complications due to pancreatic cancer. Millions were left overwhelmed...

Art by Valerie Larsen

Peas in a pod: e-learning pods alieve isolation

Ahania Soni, Staff Writer October 20, 2020

For students at ETHS, and across the country, staying motivated and engaged during e-learning has been a challenge. The solitude of quarantine and the overwhelmingness of the pandemic have left...

Behind the screens of e-learning: safety, mental health supports

Eden Drajpuch, Ingrid Halverson and Lila Portis October 20, 2020

Now that e-learning at ETHS is well underway, The Evanstonian wanted to extend gratitude to some of the incredibly talented and hardworking staff members that students and staff don’t often see. Each...

Five questions with CGE’s Bea Echeverria

Gabi Karlan, Staff Writer October 20, 2020

Bea Echeverria works at the Evanston Public Library and volunteers at Citizens’ Greener Evanston (CGE), a non-profit organization focused on environmental and social justice issues. She is on the Environmental...

ETHS Environmental Clubs During COVID

Aryeh Lesch, Ahania Soni and Sofia Wagner October 20, 2020

Environmental activism has become increasingly important as the effects of climate change continue to be felt worldwide. For years, ETHS students have been working to create meaningful change in the Evanston...

Director of Nutrition Services discusses meal distribution during pandemic

Director of Nutrition Services discusses meal distribution during pandemic

Ahansi Soni September 27, 2020

The lockdown posed a unique question for ETHS’ nutritional staff: how could they feed the thousands of students who get their lunches from school when no one was allowed into the building?  "We were...

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