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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


COVID-19 poses unique adversities for the class of 2024

COVID-19 poses unique adversities for the class of 2024

Cheyenne Edwards, Staff Writer September 24, 2020

Entering high school as a freshman, you are introduced to a wave of firsts. First football game, first homecoming dance, first pep rally. You are introduced to a new school and the mishaps of getting lost...

Behind the screens of e-learning

Eden Drajpuch and Eli Marshall September 24, 2020

Now that e-learning at ETHS is well underway, The Evanstonian wanted to extend gratitude to some of the incredibly talented and hardworking staff members that students and staff don’t often see. Each...

ETHS students, alums pursue their passions with businesses

Alice Cutter and Lila Portis September 24, 2020

While a pandemic has been raging throughout our nation, ETHS students and alumni have put their energy into developing strong entrepreneurship skills.  So far, 2020 has seen hundreds of protests and...

ETHS prioritizes remote mental health supports

Ingrid Halverson, Staff Writer August 17, 2020

Starting off the 2020-2021 school year, not only will ETHS courses be online, but resources such as social workers and mental health facilities will also be turned to an online outreach program.  Throughout...

Behind the political curtain: BLM, COVID-19

Eden Drajpuch and Ahania Soni August 17, 2020

As the Black Lives Matter movement has gained traction nationally, Evanston residents and ETHS students have continued to engage in conversations surrounding race and what it means to be an anti-racist...

ETHS students, teachers adapt to AP and standardized testing changes

ETHS students, teachers adapt to AP and standardized testing changes

Eli Marshall and Noah Kayaian May 18, 2020

Although spring in the academic calendar is typically the season of standardized testing, in the midst of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the AP and SAT tests are not among the personal priorities of some...

Illustration by Madison McGuire

COVID-19 affects students’ home lives, access to resources

Eden Drajpuch, Feature Editor May 5, 2020

Contributors: staff writers Cheyenne Edwards & Tamara Guy, feature facilitator Eli Marshall For some students at ETHS, the outbreak of COVID-19 has shifted both family dynamics and stability at...

Holocaust Remembrance Week resources moved online amidst school closure

Eden Drajpuch, Feature Editor May 1, 2020

Contributor: Zachary Bahar As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and ETHS’s school closure, previously scheduled Holocaust Remembrance Week activities were moved online.  “Planning the event...

Seniors Lily Blackburn and Eli Medack speak to Summit participants at the start of the Summit.

LGBTQ+ Summit, March 11, 2020

Eden Drajpuch, Feature Editor April 6, 2020

“My experience at the Summit was definitely something I could never recreate. This was my first Summit ever and I had a blast. I went as an ally and one of the workshops I was in was for allies....

Students adjust to social isolation, e-learning

Students adjust to social isolation, e-learning

Contributor: Tamara Guy  Reactions to social distancing In the wake of COVID-19 and ETHS’ recent announcement about extending the district-wide closure to April 30, many ETHS students have turned...

Junior Valery Jean Jaques reflects on what has brought him joy during the shelter-in-place and locates this selfie of “my sister and my mother who I love so dearly.”

Wildkits find joy during unprecendented time

Eden Drajpuch, Feature Editor April 3, 2020

In this historic time period, The Evanstonian found it important to document the ways in which the ETHS community continue to find joy and take care of themselves. Whether that is through spending...

Taylor in 2001 with Chicago Tribune reporter Maurice Possley.

Daniel Taylor regains freedom, sustains love for learning during wrongful conviction

Sarah Parisien, Staff Writer April 3, 2020

On a blustery February day, I met Daniel Taylor at Silverman Hall on Northwestern’s campus, one of the buildings he works in during the week. His upbeat demeanor was a welcome contrast to the rather...

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