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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


Self-help guide to navigating senioritis

Julia Wallace, Guest Contributor May 24, 2018

Some say they’ve had it since freshman year, others claim it didn’t hit until recently. Regardless, the epidemic known as Senioritis has been ever present within the halls of the ETHS community....

In Memoriam

Matt Barbato, Managing Editor May 24, 2018

Murney Lazier Beloved former ETHS coach Murney Lazier died peacefully on May 11. Lazier coached football, basketball and wrestling in his time at ETHS, but his greatest coach- ing accomplishments came...

Harry Porter and Joe Epler, good friends at ETHS, will be rooming next year at University of Wisconsin.

High school friends turn college roommates

Ella Kanter and Sofie Kennedy May 24, 2018

Harry Porter and Joe Epler have been friends since kindergarten. Next fall, they will continue the friendship streak by rooming together at the University of Wisconsin. They are looking forward to...

In many ways the Joe's of ETHS are a microcosm of the wide-array of interests and passions among the student body. Pictured here is Joe Blanchard.

Not your average Joe

Onyx York, Opinion Columnist May 24, 2018

Vogueing on the dance floor, conducting the marching band, planting in local community gardens, racing on track and field, or making a goal on ice, one is sure to find one of the Joes. The Class of...

Kevin McCaffrey is one of several ETHS teachers retiring this year.

To the next journey…

Ben Baker-Katz and Margo Levitan May 24, 2018

Kevin McCaffrey If you’ve walked down the west hallway of the second floor any time over the last two decades, you’ve seen him: a balding, hawaiian-shirt-wearing man standing out- side his classroom....

Kamasi Hill's film Born in the Struggle set to release this fall

Kamasi Hill’s film Born in the Struggle set to release this fall

Katy Donati, Executive Editor May 4, 2018

After three years of locating sources from around the country, conducting extensive interviews, shooting film and editing his work with self-reflection, ETHS history and English teacher Kamasi Hill will...

National Day of Silence raises awareness of muted LGBTQIA+ voices

National Day of Silence raises awareness of muted LGBTQIA+ voices

Jonah Charlton and Mac Stone April 30, 2018

More than 300 students are participating in today’s ETHS Day of Silence in an effort to spread awareness about the silencing effects of harassment towards members of the LGBTQIA+ community. “The...

Students attend the Latinx summit.

La cumbre de Latinx unió estudiantes de diferentes orígenes el nueve de marzo

Salma Martinez, Daniel Palacio, Escritores Invitados March 26, 2018

Siendo Senior ahora, esta es nuestra tercera vez que asistimos a Latinx Summit. La cumbre es un espacio seguro donde podemos unirnos como un todo porque en general, en ETHS, hay una baja representación...

Seniors Nialie Pomplius and Genevieve Lindley reflect on the latest SOAR conference.

SOAR workshops dismantle ignorance at its source

Katy Donati and Margo Levitan March 23, 2018

70 total participants. Two days.     This is the breakdown of the winter SOAR conference on Feb.15 and Feb.16 at Northwestern University. SOAR, otherwise known as Students Organized Against Racism,...

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