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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


Students often struggle to decide on a post-high school path.

Beyond the bell

Milo Slevin, Feature Editor August 15, 2023

When an ETHS student visits the SchooLinks website, they see a white and green logo. Two u-shapes are linked together, forming an “S.” These links seem to represent a student’s connection with...

Anna bo banna banana fanna fo fanna: The Annas of ETHS

Milo Slevin, Staff Writer May 11, 2023

As the Class of 2023 says its goodbyes to ETHS, several Annas prepare to enter a new phase of their lives. While these people all share the same name, they each have unique interests and pursuits that...

In the mix: Seniors’ answers to common questions about ETHS

May 11, 2023

Rachel Banuzi Favorite class: English Dream job: International food reviewer Advice: Make connections with your teachers Casey Bond Favorite class: Theatre Dream job: Actor Advice: Junior...

Worldwide Wildkits

Worldwide Wildkits

Isaac Flint, Staff Writer May 11, 2023

Margo Anderson, University of St. Andrews When applying to college in the fall, Margo Anderson had the opportunity to visit Scotland–a trip where she fell in love with the University of St. Andrews. “I...

Old friends, new beginnings: ETHS students' journeys from friends to roommates

Old friends, new beginnings: ETHS students’ journeys from friends to roommates

Audrey Bodine and Naomi Alemayehu May 11, 2023

Going to college is an exciting time, but it can also be daunting, especially if you’re entering an environment with new faces. That’s why many high school friends make plans to be roommates in college....

LGBTQ+ Wildkits seek school support amidst national attacks

Charlotte Geyskens, Staff Writer April 20, 2023

So far, 2023 has not been an easy year for the LGBTQ+ community. According to the ACLU, as of April 7, 452 anti-LGBTQ+ bills have been introduced in a majority of states, most of which target transgender...

Changes in Evanston Plaza hours disrupt after-school routines

Changes in Evanston Plaza hours disrupt after-school routines

Lydah Coates and Calliope Green April 20, 2023

The bell rings at 3:35 on an icy January afternoon. Students groggily filter out of their last period class and out the main doors. Those who have warm ways of getting home quickly vanish, while the walkers...

Art by Parker Krzystofiak

‘Get the Lead Out’

Milo Slevin, Staff Writer April 20, 2023

When Janet Alexander Davis walks in the front door of her Fifth Ward home, she is grateful for the decades she has spent in Evanston. It’s the place where she grew up and where her kids and grandkids...

Donna Lee in her restaurant, Brown Bag Seafood Co.. Photo courtesy of Donna Lee

Donna Lee: CEO, Chopped champion, culinary creator

Naomi Alemayehu, Staff Writers April 20, 2023

If you were to tell 18-year-old Donna Lee that she would become an accomplished chef one day, she wouldn’t have believed you. Now, Lee is not only a 2023 Champion on Chopped, Food Network’s cooking...

Photos by Ahania Soni

Weaving cultures together

Frank Herman, Staff Writer, S103 Coordinator April 20, 2023

As you walk through Evanston’s commercial district, the sounds of cars whirring and people stirring are overwhelming and exciting all at once. The ‘L’ Train roars by as Evanston’s inhabitants pass...

This image was created using AI software

Chat CheatPT?

Hazel Hayes, Staff Writer April 20, 2023

In the present day, there is the constant stream of technological advancements being introduced to society. The Artificial Intelligence (AI) wave is one that many fear, but also one many surf along with....

Camp Kuumba: the launching point to success

Camp Kuumba: the launching point to success

Isaac Flint, Staff Writer April 20, 2023

On Sunday, June 2, 2019, Ryan Allen Bost walked across the stage at the Welsh-Ryan Arena to receive his diploma from Evanston Township High School. A star of the ETHS basketball team, Bost tallied over...

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