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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


Daycare lets young kids learn about the world and themselves

Tanya Weisman and Lydah Coates November 28, 2022

Standing in the planetarium courtyard, staff members and students together enjoy the gleeful mesmerized laughter of young children. Stunned and excited, they awe at the cock-a-doodle-do of the rooster...

The prioritization of politics in a pandemic-riddled world

The prioritization of politics in a pandemic-riddled world

Isaac Flint, Staff Writer November 14, 2022

In the early days of the pandemic, it became apparently clear to junior Giles Gilbert Bartell that the media was going to be difficult to trust. Hearing different things from various news outlets, social...

New principal ‘called upon’ to lead students, staff

Charlotte Geyskens, Staff Writer November 14, 2022

As the teenage daughter of a minister coming of age in southwest Iowa, Taya Kinzie spent those years focused on community-centered work, spending her childhood volunteering. Although Dr. Kinzie didn’t...

Evanston concludes year-long search for city manager

Milo Slevin, Staff Writer November 14, 2022

When Evanston City Manager Luke Stowe enters his office every day, he blocks out the chaos surrounding his new job and gets to work on making Evanston a better place. In the past year, he has seen a city...

High school students who don't have any social media accounts are increasingly rare.

Offline: Avoiding social media in an ever-connected world

Isabella Martinez and Tanya Weisman November 14, 2022

Some may feel juggling school, clubs, and relationships challenging when having a constant distraction in their pocket. “When I had TikTok, I would sit there for a couple of hours at a time without...

The location for the Evanston mental health living room is just a block away from St. Francis Hospital.

Bringing Evanston’s mental health living room to life

Milo Slevin, Staff Writer October 14, 2022

Just south of St Francis Hospital stands a small brick house with a cement pathway leading to a brown wood front door. If you peek through the front window, you can see a completely bare room with...

Serving validation, connection ... and caffeine!

Serving validation, connection … and caffeine!

Jilian Denlow and Izabella Paracuelles October 14, 2022

Clusters of teenage girls collect at the tables in the corners, their notebooks and computers strewn across the furniture as they type and talk simultaneously. Nearly every seat in the cafe is filled;...

Protecting gender affirming care on the North Shore

Protecting gender affirming care on the North Shore

Isaac Flint, Staff Writer October 14, 2022

Since its opening in February 2013, the Lurie Children’s Hospital Gender Development Program has provided a safe haven for transgender youth on the North Shore. In a country that has become increasingly...

Reviving downtown Evanston

Reviving downtown Evanston

Charlotte Geyskens, Staff Writer October 14, 2022

It’s three in the afternoon on a Monday, and downtown Evanston is alive. People walk around Fountain Square, to the library, to whatever small business they may be frequenting or to grab a bite to eat....

Academics, sports, travel: Student summer experiences

Mackenzie Greco and Lily Kellams September 24, 2022

Summer is the time that people look most forward to. Trips to the beach, barbecues with family, and movies with your friends are numerous parts of the summer experience that many ETHS students indulged...

Both at ETHS and in Evanston, there are a number of options for students to find contraceptive care.

Getting comfortable with contraception

Ahania Soni and Calliope Green September 23, 2022

We’re living in a post-Roe world. Illinois may be—as of yet—unaffected, but looking forward to college decisions, to career paths, to places to settle down, we cannot escape the repercussions of...

Noah Reichlin delivers the morning announcements on Sept. 16, 2022.

Noah Reichlin: Unscripted

Naomi Alemayehu, Audrey Bodine and Ahania Soni September 23, 2022

At 8:27 AM every morning, all of the 3,731 students at ETHS in attendance that day hear a beep from the loudspeaker, followed by the energetic encouragement of Noah Reichlin, ETHS senior,  to “move...

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