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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


Illustration by Sophie Yang

Opinion | SEL surveys don’t capture depth of student experience

Charlotte Geyskens, Staff Writer March 18, 2022

Social Emotional Learning surveys, or SELs, have become a staple of PE classes at ETHS. On Mondays, during 33-minute classes, students take surveys about mental health and coping mechanisms.  The administration...

Opinion | CARP would protect Evanston from climate change

Milo Slevin, Staff Writer March 18, 2022

“What inspires people to be involved in climate action?”  Senior and climate activist Nathaniel Orlov-Mayer said that his motivation is “fear. I just feel like I have to do something.”  Climate...

Opinion | WiSTEM pushes back against sexism in science

Opinion | WiSTEM pushes back against sexism in science

Ella Gutowski, Staff Writer March 18, 2022

Throughout history, women have been underrepresented in STEM jobs and fields. Numbers of women in the STEM workforce have been on the rise, but progress has been slow, and according to the U.S Census,...

Illustration by Kupu Sumi

Opinion | Metal detectors would not serve their purpose at ETHS

Maddie Molotla, Staff Writer February 28, 2022

Following December’s lockdown, a new topic has hastened its way through ETHS amongst students, teachers, administrators and, most notably, parents and guardians: metal detectors.  On Dec. 16, 2021,...

Illustration by Lila Portis

Opinion | Changes to SATs will help reduce test-taking stress

Marin Ubersox, Staff Writer February 28, 2022

For generations of high schoolers, the SAT has been something to dread. For many, spending hours answering questions and then painstakingly filling out over 100 tiny bubbles with a pencil was the only...

Illustration by Sabrina Barnes

Opinion | Improved snow day planning is needed in the future

Kaia Cmarko, Staff Writer February 28, 2022

We all remember receiving the call where we would find out school got canceled due to the snow. After a year of virtual learning we all got used to doing school work online. Now it’s clear that ETHS...

Opinion | New COVID-19 restrictions don’t solve the problem

Charlotte Geyskens, Elizabeth Wenning, Staff Writers February 28, 2022

Since students came back to school on Jan. 10, many changes have been made at ETHS in an effort to stop the spread of COVID-19. Students have been expected to participate in COVID-19 spit tests weekly,...

Opinion | Open campus lunch for all grades improved social safety

Hazel Hayes, Rosie Witt, Staff Writers February 28, 2022

Throughout the transition back to in-person school, one thing that has been a constant challenge for students is feeling safe and comfortable during lunch, when you physically cannot wear a mask at all...

Opinión | Preguntas de selección múltiple están sobrevaloradas

Maria Gomez, Staff Writer February 28, 2022

Mi vida siempre se ha compuesto de cómo mi  valoración personal  está totalmente determinada por la calificación de un examen o mi GPA. Es muchas veces irritante el saber que mi salud mental solo...

Illustration by Kupu Sumi

Opinion | Mental health days need to be better communicated to students

Linnea Mayo, Opinion Editor February 28, 2022

In the ever-moving and overwhelming cycle of the school day, I often find myself in need of a break. Every week being so full of things to do both inside and outside school, it becomes hard to maintain...

Letter from the Editors | A reflection on Evanston’s past to inform the present

Lauren Dain and Eden Drajpuch January 28, 2022
For our January issue, The Evanstonian decided to stray from our normal format and look more closely at the various points of intersection related to education in Evanston history.
Illustration by Kupu Sumi

Opinión | El colegio no es para dormir, la casa no es para estudiar

Maria Gomez, Staff Writer December 23, 2021

La vida de los jóvenes  se caracteriza por una sola rutina que se repite sin otro propósito que su año escolar. Los estudiantes se esfuerzan por sobresalir y llevar sus años de estudio de una manera...

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