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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


Opinion | The importance of sustainable activism

Linnea Mayo, Opinion Editor November 19, 2021

2021 has looked different in many ways from 2020, a prominent difference being the collective civic engagement and support present on social media, in the classroom and in the community. In less than a...

Opinion | Join clubs in order to create meaningful change

Max Low, Staff Writer November 19, 2021

It’s a well-known fact in high schools that a student’s path to college can be helped along through the simple process of getting involved in clubs that their high school offers. This fact is often...

Image courtesy of Creative Commons

Opinion | Evanston can be a model for pro-trans policies

Nova Horrell, Staff Writer November 19, 2021

Right now, the state of trans politics seems apocalyptic. As Republicans lost power on the federal level, they began to rely on pushing wedge issues at local and state levels to reinvigorate their base...

The shortcomings of social media as a tool for change

Kaia Cmarko, Staff Writer November 19, 2021

Social media is ineffective in creating civil change. Social media has created a variety of different ways to bring awareness to causes through activism, with some recent examples being the Black Lives...

Opinion | ETHS has a ways to go in efforts to create real change

Annie Johnson, Staff Writer November 19, 2021

ETHS has long since prided itself on not being mainstream, on working to make a change in the community. From providing free meals to students all throughout the pandemic and bringing guest speakers in...

Illustration by Lila Portis

Opinion | It’s dangerous to let tortoises roam courtyards during lunch

Marin Ubersox, Staff Writer October 15, 2021

This year, many students have opted to eat lunch in ETHS’ beautiful Planetarium Courtyard. The courtyard is home not only to hungry students, but to some of ETHS’ most well known inhabitants—Tudi...

Illustration by Sabrina Barnes

Opinion | ETHS needs to reevaluate policies regarding pronouns

Nova Horrell, Staff Writer October 15, 2021

At the beginning of the year, I was excited to get back to school. Online learning was a nice break, but quickly got annoying. I wanted to see my friends, and I wanted to talk to people I didn’t know....

Opinion | As COVID-19 persists, school protocols must be maintained

Antonia Languilla, Staff Writer October 15, 2021

On Aug. 27, 2021 a number of students were greeted by an email titled “COVID Notification.” This email stated that “A person in your child’s classroom at Evanston Township High School has tested...

Opinion | Don’t allow unvaccinated students to opt out of COVID testing

Maddie Coyle, Community Impact Editor October 15, 2021

Monday, Sept. 14, ETHS sent out an email alerting students that they are able to opt out of routine COVID-19 testing done with the new University of Illinois SHIELD program. This would result in students...

Opinion | ETHS should adopt a more holistic grading system

Lauren Dain, Executive Editor September 17, 2021

With the school year in full swing and students adjusting to in-person learning, teachers are also passing out syllabuses and course expectations. The multi-page documents cover class etiquette, phone...

Illustration by Claire Ripp.

Opinion | Rehumanizing ETHS comes with significant adjustments

Linnea Mayo and Maddie Coyle September 17, 2021

Linnea's thoughts Going into this school year, there were various expected changes awaiting students and staff, including the block scheduling, 85-minute class periods and no tardies that we had been...

Illustration by Sabrina Barnes.

Opinion | Evanston needs to reflect on liberal media biases

Keiran Dubey, Staff Writer September 17, 2021

“I think a lot of the news is designed to get your attention in the worst way possible,” says senior Oliver Pratt. These words resonate with a lot of the American population in a way that presents...

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