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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


Letter | We still have our humanity

Eric Witherspoon, Superintendent August 16, 2021

It is exciting to have all of you back at ETHS. As you know, ETHS has not been fully opened since March 13, 2020. Welcome freshmen and sophomores. You will have your first full experience of walking these...

Senior Column | Dismantling internalized male gaze is liberating

Louise Bond, Staff Writer May 21, 2021

Collectively, women are taught from a young age that the goal is to be perceived as attractive to men and to serve men’s wants and desires. Notice that it is not to feel good in your own skin, feel confident,...

Senior Column | Above all shadows: Fighting the Long Defeat

Senior Column | Above all shadows: Fighting the Long Defeat

Zachary Bahar, Executive Editor May 21, 2021

Sam sat in the darkness. Amidst by the plains of Gorgoroth, stranded a world from hearth and home, staring at the great fires of the mountain before him. Those fires, issued from Orodruin, marked both...

Senior Column | What S103 means to me

Senior Column | What S103 means to me

Eli Cohen, Executive Editor May 21, 2021

I’d be lying if I said I haven’t thought about the consequential effects of this draining year of online learning; naturally, those thoughts come first. Nonetheless, as my time at ETHS is ceasing,...

Senior Column | A Stoic’s guide to surviving high school

Lara-Nour Walton, Guest Writer May 21, 2021

The magnolias are blooming again, alla fresca dining is returning in full force, and I am graduating from high school. A pivotal time like this—even without a pandemic backdrop—warrants at least a...

Senior Column | Focus on what makes you happy

Saskia Teterycz, Opinion Editor May 21, 2021

Some people are born knowing what they want to do with their lives. It seems as though they were put on this planet to be a doctor, or an author or an architect. They do not waver; they do not hesitate....

Senior Column | Parents: Reflect on your own practices before judging others

Tamara Guy, Staff Writer May 21, 2021

After four years at ETHS, I am sure all of us are very aware of the ETHS Parents and Guardians Facebook page, where our parents choose to argue over the many flaws in the community without even asking...

Opinion | After eliminating semester exams, ETHS should move back fall start date

Christopher Vye, Staff Writer April 26, 2021

When ETHS announced that semester exams would no longer be held upon an in-person return to the school, myself and many of my fellow students breathed a collective sigh of relief. Though I didn’t exactly...

Opinion | The consequences of removing finals at ETHS

Linnea Mayo, Assistant Opinion Editor April 26, 2021

On Wednesday, March 24, ETHS officially announced their changes for the 2021-2022 school year, and amongst this was the decision to eliminate final exams. In my experience, the entire finals week and time...

Opinion | Why I didn’t opt into hybrid learning

Maddie Coyle, Opinion Editor April 26, 2021

On March 1, ETHS announced their plan to initiate a hybrid learning program, after students spent the last year learning virtually. The plan called for students to opt into the hybrid learning plan with...

Opinion | A letter from your Student Rep

Carmiya Bady, Student Representative March 22, 2021

Hello, my lovely people. I hope everyone is doing well. I want to take a moment to just ask: Have you taken time for yourself in the past week? Have you been kind enough to yourself? Have you loved yourself?...

Opinion | Thoughts from Black Student Union on school reopening

Black Student Union March 22, 2021

The following was submitted by the Black Student Union. On March 1, ETHS released its re-opening plan to staff, students and their families. This plan expressed a new hybrid model of learning, a result...

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