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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


Illustrated by Valerie Larsen

Implications of Academic Pressure

Maddie Coyle and Gwen Tucker November 11, 2019

College Readiness       “What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a simple, childhood question that many adults have asked me. I always had an answer: dog photographer, zookeeper or...

Illustration by Sabrina Barnes

The lack of representation of bisexual and pansexual identities on television

Annie Johnson, Staff Writer November 8, 2019

Every time I sit down to watch TV, I keep my eyes open for someone like me. A bisexual person, whose role isn’t just to be a cheater, a manipulator. But for the most part, all I see are gay men who are...

Good, bad of body positivity in music

Phoebe Porter, Staff Writer November 8, 2019

Throughout my middle school years, Meghan Trainor was the face of body positivity in music. When “All About That Bass” dropped in 2014, all of my friends, my mom and my teachers could sing the lyrics...

El injusto tratamiento de los niños en la frontera

El injusto tratamiento de los niños en la frontera

Alejandra Cardenas and Vanesa Funes November 8, 2019

La infancia en los Estados Unidos puede parecer muy fácil desde cierto punto de vista. Sus días consisten en ir a la escuela, divertirse con sus amigos, ir al parque con sus padres y hacer sus tareas....

Being educated is not black and white

Being educated is not black and white

Najiah Osborne-Francellno, Staff Writer November 8, 2019

While being educated can look different for everyone, Merriam Webster defines the word educated as simply “receiving a formal education”; however, when you're a person of color, many may perceive it...

Illustration by Saskia Teterycz

We need to be more engaged in our news literacy: true importance of social-political discussions

Saskia Teterycz, Assistant Opinion Editor November 8, 2019

Consider a scenario in which you are sitting at the lunch table with a couple of friends and a small conversation sparks about the looming possibility of Trump’s impeachment. One or two people  are...

Intentionality of language is everything: an examination of the N-word

Intentionality of language is everything: an examination of the N-word

Sarah Parisien, Staff Writer November 8, 2019

On October 15, actress Gina Rodriguez found herself at the epicenter of public backlash for a video posted, and then quickly deleted, from her Instagram. While jamming out to the Fugees, Rodriguez rapped...

Unpacking the complexities of racial identity

Unpacking the complexities of racial identity

Tamara Guy, Staff Writer November 8, 2019

It is important for me to share my experiences with you because I am not the only student who feels this way. Whether it is gender identity, sexuality or race identification, many students are struggling...

Mental health support is more than a hashtag

Mental health support is more than a hashtag

Mathilda Hallstrom, Staff Writer November 8, 2019

Every year, when Mental Health Day rolls around on Oct. 10, my Instagram feed is replete with passionate posts on the subject: my peers share paragraphs about their own experiences, detailing life with...

Be wise and use all that ETHS has to offer

Be wise and use all that ETHS has to offer

Everneesa Beech, Staff Writer September 27, 2019

Wen mi first move to Evanston mi did surprised cause a the diversity a people weh live yah, Mi did even more suprised by how dem nice and how welcoming dem was, Mi did a 15 when mi move come a Evanston....

The price of crying: toxic masculinity reinforces harmful stereotypes

The price of crying: toxic masculinity reinforces harmful stereotypes

Saskia Teterycz, Assistant Opinion Editor September 27, 2019

I saw my dad cry for the first time two years ago. I was shocked that the letter I wrote to him on Father’s Day was enough to conjure physical tears from this big man with tattoos on both his arms. At...

Swimming inequity in Evanston perpetuates segregation

Martha Castellini, Staff Writer September 27, 2019

From a young age, my parents were eager to ensure I was not just comfortable in the water but also had proficient swimming skills. Swim lessons at the McGaw YMCA were my Saturday morning rituals, and later...

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