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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


ETHS Exchange Experience

Hania Farooq, Guest Writer May 23, 2019

Hi. I am Hania Farooq, an exchange student from Pakistan. I came to America last August and I leave in June. Two years ago, I discovered this prestigious program called Kennedy Lugar Youth Exchange and...

El tiempo vuela

El tiempo vuela

Victoria Palacios, Escritora invitada May 23, 2019

A lo largo de mis 4 años en ETHS ha sido una montaña rusa. Ya sabes como te dicen que no hagas ciertas cosas en la escuela, bien hazlas. Al ingresar a mi primer año, era la niña nueva. Había vivido...

Four years in political review

Joe Whitcomb, Staff Writer May 23, 2019

We have grown up in the era of Trump. He declared his candidacy the summer before our freshman year, and four years later, he is the sitting president. As such, we enter adulthood in a forever altered...

How CBD changed my life

Sophie Noyes, Guest Writer May 23, 2019

Every morning before I put in my contacts I take five drops of CBD oil under my tongue. It’s become a part of remedying anxiety symptoms and as a bonus, it tastes like vanilla. But what is CBD? CBD stands...

A reclamation of my Jewish identity

Rachel Krumholz, Executive Editor May 23, 2019

When I was four years old, I asked my Dad to buy me a Kippah. He did. No one told me that Kippahs were not made for four-year-old girls, rather were traditionally worn by Jewish men. But even if I had...

Letter to ETHS

Anonymous, Guest Writer May 23, 2019

To the ETHS students and staff: I’ve been struggling for a long time to try and sum up my feelings about my last four years at ETHS. I am extremely excited about what’s to come next year, yet I...

All colors of a monochromatic rainbow

All colors of a monochromatic rainbow

Nakaiya Bias, Staff Writer April 26, 2019

Just a couple months ago, I attended the Black Caucus Honor Roll breakfast. As I sat and watched the hosts call up all of these black students for honor roll in each grade, I couldn’t help but feel a...

The Paradigm of War in high school

Luis Toro, Guest Writer April 26, 2019

The paradigm of war is a theory created by Nelson Maldonado Torres. The paradigm of war, as Torres explains, started in 1492 when Columbus came to the Americas and began his genocide of the Native people....

El ser afro latino

El ser afro latino

Victoria Palacios, Escritora invitada April 26, 2019

Los afro latinos de los Estados Unidos son un grupo de personas que están puestos a un lado por ser latinos con ascendencia africana cual los pone en el medio de las dos raíces. Los afro latinos provienen...

We need a more inclusive clothing industry

We need a more inclusive clothing industry

Jojo Wertheimer, Staff Writer April 26, 2019

Brandy Melville is famous for its cute graphic tees, plaid skirts and laid back style. But it's also famous for something not so cute-- all of its clothes are one size. Everything except for the some...

Fight for the future: youth activism needs to be encouraged

Fight for the future: youth activism needs to be encouraged

Meena Sharma, Staff Writer April 26, 2019

On Sunday, April 14, the North Shore Association of Student Activists (NASA) held a showcase that featured students presenting forms of activism that took on many different areas of art, including physical...

Illustration by Leah Brieva

Changing the gun violence debate

Saskia Teterycz, Staff Writer April 26, 2019

As we bore witness to the one year anniversary of the Parkland shooting on February 14, a whirlwind of emotions came along with it. Soon after Valentine’s Day this year, David Hogg, survivor of the Marjory...

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