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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


The consuming gap of achievement only grows

The consuming gap of achievement only grows

Sophia Weglarz, Assistant Opinion Editor February 15, 2019

Two eager five-year-olds walk through the doors of their elementary school in tandem, not one inch in front of the other as they take each stride forward. However, even as they reach their Kindergarten...

Do the math: ETHS should integrate tablets into math classes

David Dupuis, Staff Writer February 15, 2019

Technology is big. We carry supercomputers of epic proportions in our pockets. A few decades ago, technology with that kind of power would have taken up entire rooms and cost millions of dollars, but now,...

Journalists cannot be afforded the right to be wrong

Journalists cannot be afforded the right to be wrong

Mac Stone, News Editor February 15, 2019

On Friday, January 18, a video was released and promptly picked up by the majority of mainstream news outlets. The video, a 60-second clip, shows Nathan Phillips - a Native American man who was in attendance...

The Big Body Theory, Being bigger does not mean that you aren’t enough

The Big Body Theory, Being bigger does not mean that you aren’t enough

Nakaiya Bias, Staff Writer February 15, 2019

Imagine this: it’s the beginning of the new semester. You’re excited because you’ve just finished finals, and now you’re transitioning from wellness to gym. You click on the Google Classroom link...

Education is necessary for environmental change

Maddie Coyle, Staff Writer February 15, 2019

Imagine a world where we see the coastal areas of our country flooded, we see massive polar and heat waves and we see a flood of natural disasters occur so frequently the world has familiarized themselves...

Illustration by Leah Brieva

Turning a blind eye to Indigenous history spurns more abuse

Meena Sharma, Staff Writer February 15, 2019

In the few days prior to Thanksgiving, my two preschool teachers gave my class the assignment of choosing to make a black-belted top hat, or a band decorated with colorful feathers.  The purpose of this...

Right wing politics is an ideological threat to a functioning America

Joe Whitcomb, Staff Writer December 30, 2018

Disclaimer: In this piece, a good deal of generalizations about political groups/beliefs and their demographics are used. I do not claim that these generalizations are always true, but they are true often...

Social media activism does not make change

Social media activism does not make change

Maddie Coyle, Staff Writer December 28, 2018

You open up Instagram. You’re scrolling through your feed and then you see a flood of posts about the Kavanaugh hearing. All your friends are posting about it. You see long paragraphs about women’s...

Students must band together to fight against the NRA’s influence on unsafe gun laws

Jojo Wertheimer, Staff Writer December 28, 2018

After the Las Vegas Shooting at a concert that left 59 people dead and over 400 injured, Senator Richard Burr expressed his condolences to the victims and their families, but only after receiving almost...

The inaccessibility of activism breeds hypocrisy

The inaccessibility of activism breeds hypocrisy

Callie Grober, Opinions Editor December 26, 2018

Scrolling through Instagram, you see a post that urges everyone to read it. You roll your eyes with contempt, having seen the same thing at least five times already, but you can’t help yourself. The...

How do I break the wall with my bare hands?

How do I break the wall with my bare hands?

Sophia Weglarz, Asst. Opinions Editor December 26, 2018

A five-part, comprehensive look into academic reparations at ETHS It shines on the screen. As the discussion of desegregation surfaces within the curriculum once again, the all-too-familiar image...

Debemos aceptar a los inmigrantes de la caravana

Debemos aceptar a los inmigrantes de la caravana

Jonathan Canchola Rojas, Escritor invitado December 24, 2018

Las caravanas de migrantes son unas series de éxodos iniciadas en octubre de 2018 con el objetivo de establecerse en los Estados Unidos para mejores condiciones de vida.Lal primera caravana fue iniciada...

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