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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


“Si te hago daño a ti, me hago daño a mismo”

Liana Wallace, Opinion Columnist August 30, 2018

This summer on a trip to the Holocaust museum I was able to interact with one of the youngest Holocaust survivors, Samuel Harris, through a holographic theatre. After Sam shared his incredible story...

More student perspectives are essential to the “Evanstonian”

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor August 29, 2018

We want you! At the Evanstonian, we believe it’s essential to incorporate as many perspectives into our paper in order to present a more accurate representation of ETHS.   In order to produce...

Standing NOvation: Culture of confidence hinders change for LGBTQIA+ community

Sophia Weglarz, Assistant Opinion Editor August 28, 2018

In his monthly Superintendent’s Spotlight series for June 2018, Dr. Witherspoon highlighted ETHS achievements in equity for the year. ETHS is a well-oiled machine that runs on “collaboration, respect...

Save Harley Clarke

Save Harley Clarke

Editorial August 27, 2018

Last Tuesday, Aug. 21, the City of Evanston’s Electoral Board, comprised of the mayor, city clerk and senior alderman, dispelled challenges to the referendum to save the Harley Clarke mansion and grounds...

The conversation that needs to happen before equity can be attained

Grant Williams-Yackel, Guest Opinion Writer May 24, 2018

Red, white and blue can- dies sparkled in a miniature plastic gumball machine centered on a wide wooden table. I took my seat in Dr. Eric Witherspoon’s office and glanced upward at the floor to...

An open letter to ETHS military recruits

Jacob Dalton, Opinion Columnist May 24, 2018

I am Private First Class Dalton, Illinois National Guard. I joined in Feb. of 2017. I signed a six year contract with the Army as a Combat Medic. I attended Fort Jackson, South Carolina in second platoon,...

Photo courtesy of Evanston Now.

Graduation needs a Wildkit, not Mayor Hagerty

Editorial May 24, 2018

Ahead of the June 3 graduation, Evanston Mayor Steve Hagerty has been con- firmed by administration as the ceremony’s commencement speaker. Though a city official, Hagerty’s lack of affiliation...

Illustration by Nora Miller.

Six tips for the six worst months of high school

Grace Fay, Opinion Editor May 24, 2018

As the class of 2018 prepares to leave high school in the dust, the rest of the school prepares to move one step closer to graduation. For many, this means exploring options for college and trying to make...

Illustration by Jonah Charlton.

When choosing extracurriculars, opt for quality over quantity

Gigi Wade, Opinion Editor May 24, 2018

Student Ambassadors, Team ASAP, Random Acts of Kindness. These are three items on a much longer list of activities that I regret doing in high school. To clarify, there are no structural problems...

a a derecha: Saul Vega, Jessica Rodríguez, Daniel Palacios, Salma Martínez, Margarito García, Fredi García, Johnny Trujillo

Siete estudiantes reflexionan sobre sus cuatro años

Johnny Trujillo Mis cuatro años en la escuela Evanston Township High School fueron buenos años llenos de muchas memorias. Durante mi tiempo en ETHS tenía la oportunidad de conocer a muchas...

Block Party: Evanston should adopt block scheduling

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor April 30, 2018

Five days a week. Nine periods a day. 42 minutes each. It’s the classic high school schedule used by ETHS and hundreds of other schools across the country. For all its popularity, though, the nine...

Curriculum should emphasize real world skills

Executive Editors April 27, 2018

It is indisputable that American society places a strong emphasis on attending a four year university, graduating and receiving a degree.  The message is that if you do not graduate with a college degree,...

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