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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian


A guide to liberalism

Gigi Wade, Opinion Editor September 22, 2017

Pop the bubble. Evanston is notorious for its exceptionally progressive climate, but it’s time that we reexamine this characterization. In recent years, I’ve heard our political climate incessantly...

Editorial: Detention policy needs more flexibility

August 28, 2017

There needs to be changes in the current detention policy that benefits, both, the students and the community of  Evanston.      The current detention policy places students on detention probation...

Are summer service trips really "worth" it?

Are summer service trips really “worth” it?

Grace Fay and Gigi Wade August 28, 2017

Yes Embark and serve. Despite recent criticism of service trips, they remain invaluable for teenagers and the communities alike.      Volunteering away from home is a popular way for students at...

Updating Snapchat threatens your safety

Updating Snapchat threatens your safety

Carrington York, Opinion Columnist August 28, 2017

Oversharing is the theme of this generation.                                                   From following the labor chronicles of Beyonce’s twins to venting to your Instagram...

I am here to voice your needs

I am here to voice your needs

Emma Stein, School Board Representative August 28, 2017

Hello and welcome to the 2017-2018 school year! My name is Emma Austin Stein, and as your Student Representative to the School Board I am here to voice your needs and ideas to the larger administration....

Junior Hadley Bushala cuts her summer short to help with freshman orientation.

Treat summer like summer

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor August 28, 2017

The time between school years was sometimes called lazy summer, but now it feels more like crazy summer.    Students often load up their summer schedules with sports, summer school, jobs or camps, which...

Try not to hate being a teenager

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Columnist May 28, 2017

Being a teenager sometimes seems like the worst and most uncomfortable stage of life, but if you try and look at the positives, it's not so bad. As much as I like to be cynical about high school, I...

I don't love politics, I love this school

I don’t love politics, I love this school

Honor Allen, School Board Representative May 27, 2017

I don't love politics. It's interesting, definitely, but I can't deal with American flag lapel pins. Despite this, I spent last year as an elected official, I went to Board of Education meetings twice...

Stop misgendering your students

Stop misgendering your students

Sofia Sant'anna-Skites, Opinion Editor May 27, 2017

While most teachers acknowledge students' varying gender identities, very few take the necessary steps to ensure that all feel welcomed. Many of us, mainly those who identify as cisgender, may overlook...

Take advantage of the time you have left

Take advantage of the time you have left

Editorial May 27, 2017

  Lose the mentality that you're "too cool" for school events. High school is so much more than tests and grades. It is also about trying new things, like cheering in the stands, clapping in...

All teachers must value students’ time

Ethan Harvey, Opinion Editor April 21, 2017

Although it is part of their professional duty, many teachers fail to be helpful for students outside of the classroom needs. Far too often, complaints are heard about teachers not responding to emails...

The most difficult sport to play at ETHS is…

Harrison Witt, Sports Columnist April 21, 2017

While everyone thinks that whatever sport they play is truly the most difficult, there needs to be a determination of what is the true hardest sport.  This is where I come in. Every sport is challenging...

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