Change how you act in the halls
Trying to get to class is awful. We’ve all encountered a group of students blocking your way, an annoying couple making out, people walking against the flow traffic, loud music blaring from someone’s backpack and texting while walking. This needs to stop.
Trying to avoid your ex by looking at your phone seems easier than having the confrontation, but this creates tension and perpetuates poor communication skills. Saying “hi” to someone in the hallway isn’t hard and it primes you to handle awkward situations maturely outside of high school.
Putting your phone away is more than a civility; students put themselves at risk when they walk blindly. Walking through the hallways distracted leaves you at risk to bump into others and almost always makes you look an idiot.
It goes beyond manners; students must be more self-aware in the hallways. This means walking on the right side of the hallway. You would never drive a car on the left side of the highway, so don’t walk against traffic
Practicing good manners shows respect to others. The same way you expect your teachers to respect you, show respect to your peers and they will return it. If students showed better manners, the hallways might actually be a pleasant place to be. When students get to high school, they want to be treated like adults and part of being treated like an adult is acting like one. Without manners, this is impossible.
Pushing your friends in the halls may seem harmless, but don’t forget the thousands of other students that need to get to class. Additionally, these seemingly harmless interactions escalate into fights, which cause unnecessary distractions and get students in trouble. Hallway fights happen way too often.
According to Matt Driscoll, director of Safety, there are no circumstances to justify fights in the hall. Any problems between students in the hallway can be talked out, and people should take a step back to think about whether or not their small quarrels are worth fighting over.
Additionally, we understand that passing periods are the few minutes during the day to stop and talk to your friends or put in your headphones and ignore others.
We at the Evanstonian believe students should show more respect in the hallway. Next time you are walking to class, put your phone away, say “hi” to a friend and hold the door open for someone. Showing respect for others will not go unnoticed.
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