Anxiety strikes ETHS students

Miyoki Walker, Guest Writer

Don’t let anxiety dictate your life.
The constant pressure of school can certainly cause uneasiness in any student, but there is always someone or somewhere to go to for help.
“When you’re anxious, you get stuck on a particular worry,” says Taya Kinzie, Assistant Principal of Student Services. “Anxiety impacts sleep, which impacts appetite, which can then impact all domains of life.”
Anxiety is characterized by a feeling of uneasiness, worry or nervousness. A multitude of assignments to complete or tests to study for can easily cause apprehension in the average student.
Miles Lynn, freshman, recently tore his ACL which has made him uncertain about his future. While his workload builds up, his stress does the same.
“Outside of school, I’m usually not faced with feelings of anxiety,” states Lynn. “I feel mostly anxious when I’m faced with excessive amounts of homework in school.”
While relaxing at home or spending time with friends can help some students take a load off temporarily, others need a more permanent solution to feel at ease. Teens usually have no problem recognizing anxiety when they feel it, but most are clueless when it comes to treating it.
“Honestly, I really don’t know where to go for help with anxiety,” reveals Henry Abarca, sophomore. “I feel scared and alone, like I’m trapped in a little room all by myself.”
A common symptom of anxiety is the feeling of isolation and detachment, which is ironic considering anxiety is one of the most prevalent issues faced by students nationwide. According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting nearly 18% of the population.
This staggering statistic has in turn caused an overwhelming response. There are now clubs like Erika’s Lighthouse, which is devoted to refuting myths about mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Yoga and martial arts are also offered at the school, which can aid students in becoming calmer and gaining better self regulation for all aspects of life.
“I think there are so many different outlets at school,” explains junior Kristen Gilliam. “I would probably go to a social worker or a close teacher in the school for help. Teachers are always open to hearing what you have to say.”
“Fortunately, we’re rich in resources here at ETHS,” says Kinzie. “Counselors are one of the stops students can consider. We also have social workers where the students can go. There are many individual ways for students to get help.”
Anxiety is a natural response to stress or pressure. A little anxiety is completely normal, but once it hinders your ability to perform in any aspect of everyday life, it may be time to seek out help. Finding help is crucial because once anxiety takes over your academics, all other factors of your life will see a downward spiral.
So the next time you feel worried or anxious, don’t face it alone. There are many ways to channel anxiety into positivity, you just have to be willing to take that extra leap.