Not your average Joe
In many ways the Joe’s of ETHS are a microcosm of the wide-array of interests and passions among the student body. Pictured here is Joe Blanchard.
May 24, 2018
Vogueing on the dance floor, conducting the marching band, planting in local community gardens, racing on track and field, or making a goal on ice, one is sure to find one of the Joes. The Class of 2018 hosts a group of students named Joe, all with individual coming-of-age experiences
Joe Blanchard
As his activities include four years of writing and directing for YAMO, volleyball, Speech and Best Buddies, senior Joe Blanchard has a plethora of talents. His extracurriculars are just as broad as his personality. Blanchard describes himself as ̈being kind and empathetic to being batsh*t crazy.”
“One thing I love about myself is that I am a lot of double,” Blanchard says. “I call myself a lefty, bisexual leftist ́.”
Blanchard owns his uniqueness with a genuine proclamation. People will ask Are you athletic or artistic? Both. Do you like girls or guys? Both. As far as being the ́one of the Joes, Blanchard admits, I always wanted to have one of the other white boy J-names like Jake or Jason but I think I fit my name well.”
Joey Eovaldi
You can always find Joe Eovaldi somewhere on the running track or cross country for the last four years.
“Both completely shaped who I am today. From the coaches, to the teammates, to the environment, opportunities, experiences, and more, these programs have helped me truly develop character. And I know they will continue to do that for so many more.”
“Being an ETHS student is truly amazing. Ditto what I said about Cross Country and Track and Field for the school and community of Evanston. It has helped develop so many great people ̈.
Some would consider Eovaldi’s athletic nature his destiny.
̈I was named after my great uncle, “Joe Lucco,” on my dad’s side ; my grandma’s brother, who competitively ran in Edwardsville, Illinois.”
Joe Frankel
Though golf, Best Buddies and YAMO have been apart of his life at ETHS senior Joe Frankel attributes much of his experience as a student at ETHS to his involvement in SOAR.
“I would say that Evanston specifically is a role model town for fighting the oppressive systems that be like racism, sexism, and overall discrimination. With that being said, there are also lots of problematic ways in which, specifically, white Evanstonians represent that message.”
Frankel explains that tokenism and blanketed racism through microaggressions and local politics are a large part of Evanston’s problem.
ETHS has certainly taught me a lot about politics, it has given me a platform for exploring progressive agenda (which has proven to be both really good and really problematic was well). Outside of school I facilitate LTAB, Dance with The Happiness Club and After School Matters, and a number of odd jobs that require community building around the city.”
Joey Fitzgerald
There may be an “i” in Fitzgerald but for this team player, there’s definitely not one in team. Part of what makes him so unique is his dedication to group efforts. Similar to his participation in football, lacrosse, Wildkit Best Buddies, Fitzgerald ́s involvement in JWLA (Justin Wynn Leadership Academy) reminds him of the importance of helping others.
We organize various fundraisers and community service projects like beach cleanups, soup kitchens, and a 3 on 3 basketball tournament each year. It’s something I’ve been involved in since 4th grade. It’s really shown me the importance of giving back to your community and how both small and large acts can still have a big impact.”
Though Fitzgerald has hopes that others will embrace versatility of his name, he has settled with the conclusion that it may never happen.
My parents thought it would be good name for me so they named me Joseph with the intention of calling me Joey. They figured that eventually I could go by Joe if I wanted to sound more serious, but that just never really happened.”
Joe Weissler
Between Stage Crew, Math Team, Basketball Pep Band, and serving as Drum Major, senior Joe Weissler has embraced his capacity for taking initiative.
“I would say marching band was a big influence on who I am now as a person as I learned so many leadership skills,” Weissler says. “I’d hope others may describe me as a thoughtful person and reliable friend.”
Weissler sincerely acknowledges the benefits he has had as a student, academically and socially.
“I have had the privilege of taking a wide array of classes that fit to my choosing which I would not have been given in many other school environments. With a school this large, I have also been able to immerse myself in a wide array of different friend groups which I enjoy thoroughly.
Weissler is named after his grandfather which he is proud of.
“I’m happy to have been named after him as he was a very impressive person in life and it’s nice to be able to carry on a piece of him,” he says.