Latino QUEST hosts their Annual Latino Heritage Festival tonight

Meredith Herrick, News Editor

Tonight, the Latinx QUEST Club is hosting the Latino Heritage Festival to celebrate its culture within the community.

“It’s really important to have as many identities represented, especially since diversity is in the spotlight,” president of the Latinx QUEST Club Sofia Garcia said.  “Latinx communities cherish so much more than what’s depicted in movies.”

The festival will be held in the auditorium at 7 p.m., with dancing, music, comedy, and poetry. The annual event is open to anyone in the community who wants to celebrate their Latino heritage, cost free.

“The best part of it is getting to look out in the audience and see all these smiling faces. They’re all so amazed by the beauty that we present,” Garcia said.

The Latinx QUEST Club is in charge of planning and coordinating the event. They are in charge of everything from decorations to being M.C.s.

“Usually the board [of Latinx QUEST] performs something, in past years they’ve done videos and little plays,” sponsor of the Latinx QUEST Club Estefanie Ithier said.

Works of art from the Latinx exhibit

Performers can be anyone from students to community performers. Students can choose what they perform. Anything from dance to poetry is welcomed.

In the past seven years, anywhere from 80 to 100 people have come to celebrate their heritage. However, this year, not as many student performers have signed up which means the structure of the exhibit may be different.

There will also be a carnival-like event in the cafeteria with activities such as painting sugar skulls, coloring, and other fun activities.

“There’s a huge spectrum of what a Latinx person can be, so it’s important that we celebrate everyone that we can,” Garcia said.

The club meets on Thursdays in S307. They also plan other festivities like the Dia De Los Muertos altar in the main lobby. Dia De Los Muertos is a holiday to honor the dead spanning from Oct. 31 to Nov. 2.