ETHS students had a day off from school on Thursday, Oct. 6. However, teachers worked all of Thursday hosting parent-teacher conferences over Google Meet. These conferences, while optional for parents or guardians, were a tool for teachers to update families about how their students are doing in that specific class. While these meetings only last about five minutes per class, they aim to provide a teachers’ essential feedback on a student.
Although conferences are generally found useful by parents and teachers alike, they can also be stressful for educators.
“I didn’t have a single open conference slot,” said English teacher Laura Jewell.
In addition to the packed schedule, the overall experience of conferences can be overwhelming for teachers. Although Jewell has been teaching for four years at ETHS, she shared that it is still a little nerve-wracking for her.
However, even though it can be an intense time for many teachers, the outcome and experience is usually positive.
“It’s a chance for parents to meet teachers and teachers to meet parents,” said Ellie Warren, a junior. She added that she believes that conferences are important for the functioning of the school.
There are two conference dates throughout the year, in the fall and spring. The next set of parent-teacher conferences will be held on Feb. 29.