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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Callie Grober

Callie Grober, Executive Editor

Hi I’m Callie and I’m a senior at ETHS. This is my third on staff of The Evanstonian and this year, I’m the Executive Editor of the Opinion and Feature sections. In The Evanstonian, I love collaborating with writers on their stories and working to design the paper. Outside of The Evanstonian, I work as a receptionist at Aim & Ailie Hair Boutique and spend time with my pug, Fern. 

By Callie Grober
Students adjust to social isolation, e-learning

Students adjust to social isolation, e-learning

Contributor: Tamara Guy  Reactions to social distancing In the wake of COVID-19 and ETHS’ recent announcement about extending the district-wide closure to April 30, many ETHS students have turned...

Brandon Brown, President of School Yard Rap, speaks to students at Black Summit on Feb. 21.

Black Student Summit, Feb. 2020

Callie Grober and Sophia Weglarz February 28, 2020

“To me, this year was better planned out. There were more activities this year that I enjoyed than last year. The food was also better than last year. I had a better time and I felt like it was more...

Illustration By Sabrina Barnes

“No one was listening”: District 65 community fights for transgender, non-binary inclusive policies in response to harassment, inaction

Callie Grober, Eden Drajpuch and Jude Hollenbeck January 31, 2020

Special education teacher Ren Heckathorne started working at the District 65 (D65) Park School in 2014. Having grown up in Evanston and participated in the PALS program as a middle schooler (a non-profit...

Critics of trigger warnings are missing the point

Critics of trigger warnings are missing the point

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor March 22, 2019

“How the new political correctness is ruining education,” reads the cover of  The Atlantic’s September 2015 issue, as a lighter sets the words aflame. It’s referring to the article “The Coddling...

The inaccessibility of activism breeds hypocrisy

The inaccessibility of activism breeds hypocrisy

Callie Grober, Opinions Editor December 26, 2018

Scrolling through Instagram, you see a post that urges everyone to read it. You roll your eyes with contempt, having seen the same thing at least five times already, but you can’t help yourself. The...

Kavanaugh asks the question — can we answer?

Kavanaugh asks the question — can we answer?

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor November 9, 2018

“It’s a very scary time for young men in America,” President Donald Trump told reporters on Oct. 2, following the testimony of Dr. Christine Blasey-Ford that she was assaulted by the man Trump appointed...

Young students need more access to art programs

Young students need more access to art programs

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor October 30, 2018

ETHS administrators are constantly encouraging students to get involved, but this proves to be difficult when students don’t have access to art programs at a young age. In elementary school, kids...

More student perspectives are essential to the “Evanstonian”

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor August 29, 2018

We want you! At the Evanstonian, we believe it’s essential to incorporate as many perspectives into our paper in order to present a more accurate representation of ETHS.   In order to produce...

Construction modernizes ETHS

Sarah Frieman and Callie Grober August 28, 2018

The 94-year old building underwent construction this past summer to modernize for students; major changes include two science labs and a redesigned theory center, a new door three entryway and updates...

Photo courtesy of Marieclaire.

ETHS alum, Pulitzer winner reflects on career

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor May 24, 2018

Megan Twohey is known for her pulitzer prize winning work on the Harvey Weinstein scandal, but Twohey, now an investigative journalist with the New York Times, had humble beginnings right here in Evanston. While...

Sophomore English and history curriculums shift focus to writing and student action

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor April 30, 2018

In an effort to emphasize the process of writing and student action, the sophomore history and English curriculum has been changed. The new sophomore history class, called Civics, teaches students about...

Block Party: Evanston should adopt block scheduling

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor April 30, 2018

Five days a week. Nine periods a day. 42 minutes each. It’s the classic high school schedule used by ETHS and hundreds of other schools across the country. For all its popularity, though, the nine...

Junior Liana Wallace ends her poem about the intersection of gun violence and race by raising her fist.

Identity contributes to the complexity of safety

Rachel Krumholz and Callie Grober March 23, 2018

In light of recent school shootings, school safety has become a divisive issue across the country. However, physical security is not the only matter at hand; feeling unsafe in school can have extreme repercussions...

Drawing by Nora Miller.

Student evaluation of teachers improves communication, performance

Callie Grober and Callie Grober March 23, 2018

Students spend hundreds of hours a year with their teachers and know more about their teaching style than a department chair observing one class period could. Yet, ETHS is not taking advantage of students’...

Photo courtesy of Slate.

The Kids are Alright: Parkland students set example for powerful activism

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor March 6, 2018

Sandy Hook. Virginia Tech. Columbine. Red Lake. These names are all too well-known in our country. Americans have become so used to school shootings that the aftermath inevitably follows a three step pattern....

History courses need current events focus

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor February 22, 2018

The creation of a new Civics history course for sophomores ensured that students would actively learn and discuss today’s news. This idea, however, should be implemented into all history classes at Evanston...

Make-up policy needs change

Make-up policy needs change

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor December 15, 2017

Although ETHS has a policy on make-up work in the Pilot, enforcement is inconsistent and its broad wording does not reflect the differences in assignments for individual courses. The current Pilot states...

Evanston must move on from its corrupt founding father

Evanston must move on from its corrupt founding father

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor November 21, 2017

Remember your history. With Thanksgiving just around the corner, we, as Evanstonians, need to educate ourselves on the human rights violations committed by our city’s namesake, and rethink our...

ETHS must abolish gender exclusive P.E. classes

ETHS must abolish gender exclusive P.E. classes

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor November 3, 2017

Although ETHS strives to be more inclusive, gender segregated freshman PE classes alienate non-binary students. Freshman P.E. courses are separated by gender; non-binary students, or those who don’t...

Shoot your shot: test retakes should be policy

Shoot your shot: test retakes should be policy

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor October 16, 2017

Although some teachers allow test retakes in certain situations, all teachers should permit students to retake tests due to teachers’ misplaced emphasis on tests and the high levels of stress students...

More representation

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor September 22, 2017

Women make up more than half the world’s population, but classes at ETHS rarely feature female accomplishments or perspectives. The curriculum of history and English classes at ETHS is too male-centric....

Junior Hadley Bushala cuts her summer short to help with freshman orientation.

Treat summer like summer

Callie Grober, Opinion Editor August 28, 2017

The time between school years was sometimes called lazy summer, but now it feels more like crazy summer.    Students often load up their summer schedules with sports, summer school, jobs or camps, which...

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