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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

By Editorial
Save Harley Clarke

Save Harley Clarke

Editorial August 27, 2018

Last Tuesday, Aug. 21, the City of Evanston’s Electoral Board, comprised of the mayor, city clerk and senior alderman, dispelled challenges to the referendum to save the Harley Clarke mansion and grounds...

Photo courtesy of Evanston Now.

Graduation needs a Wildkit, not Mayor Hagerty

Editorial May 24, 2018

Ahead of the June 3 graduation, Evanston Mayor Steve Hagerty has been con- firmed by administration as the ceremony’s commencement speaker. Though a city official, Hagerty’s lack of affiliation...

Drawing by Leah Brieva.

Take advantage of your right to vote

Editorial March 23, 2018

It has become clear that Evanston is one of the more politically active communities in the area, if not the nation. Earlier this month, our own student body demonstrated this with mass attendance and involvement...

AP Exams should be an individualized choice

AP Exams should be an individualized choice

Editorial February 22, 2018

ETHS is in many ways a haven for individualized academic and extracurricular pursuits; the requirement of registration for and completion of AP exams undermines that reputation. These mandates, and the...

It's time to rearrange the district calendar

It’s time to rearrange the district calendar

Editorial December 15, 2017

As we all know, ETHS first semester final exams begin one week after students and staff return from winter break. Final exams have been scheduled at this time for several years, but it’s time for that...

Take advantage of chances for action

Take advantage of chances for action

Editorial November 21, 2017

Throughout this current school year, the administration has done a phenomenal job of bringing in speakers who are not only willing to share their insight, but take questions from students as well....

Students line up outside the Hub during a free period.

Study centers must revise policies

Editorial November 3, 2017

Other student resources need to follow the Hub’s lead and adapt to a changing school. Every day, students have access to valuable spaces like East and Central Library. However, most students flock to...

Students press rights must be respected

Students press rights must be respected

Editorial October 16, 2017

On Sept. 22, The Evanstonian ran a series of stories on marijuana use in Illinois, in Evanston and at ETHS. The three articles printed touched on Illinois’ possible legalization, the medical benefits...

Take advantage of the time you have left

Take advantage of the time you have left

Editorial May 27, 2017

  Lose the mentality that you're "too cool" for school events. High school is so much more than tests and grades. It is also about trying new things, like cheering in the stands, clapping in...

ETHS should accommodate in-school absences

Editorial April 21, 2017

We need an in-school absence policy. It’s time we open up students’ schedules so that they may experience the important events held at our school. Throughout the year, and especially in the months...

There’s new business in town

Editorial October 28, 2016

We all admire ETHS for its sports and theatre programs, but it’s time to recognize Algebra and Entrepreneurship for their innovative work on the Wildkit Store. Although the store has been around for...

Organize meetings not protests

Editorial September 16, 2016

There should be a clear, accessible student outlet to address problems around the school. With recent dress code protests, it seems more pressing than ever to put in a system where students can address...

Change the way you act towards Safety officers

Editorial August 22, 2016

It’s time to let go of grudges. At the end of last school year it seemed as though most of us cared less about finals and more about the safety stealing scandal. Although that was a serious issue,...

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