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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Eli Baum, Online Executive Editor

By Eli Baum

College athletes should be paid

Eli Baum, Opinion Editor September 8, 2016

  Don’t forget the “athlete” in “student-athlete.” College athletes should be compensated for the work, and room and board is not enough. The start of college football once again...

Bernie supporters should remain involved

Eli Baum, Opinion Editor August 22, 2016

Bernie Sanders’s campaign may be over, but his supporters’ involvement in politics should not.         Following his loss to Hillary Clinton for the Democratic presidential nomination, and...

Don’t buy into tuition-free college

Eli Baum, Opinion Editor April 26, 2016

Tuition-free college may sound good on paper, but in reality, it would result in far more harm than good. Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign has started conversations on many different topics,...

Humanities degrees are important too

Humanities degrees are important too

Eli Baum, Opinion Editor February 5, 2016

To read more about the importance of the humanities vs. STEM click here!

Humanities left behind by focus on sciences

Humanities left behind by focus on sciences

Eli Baum, Opinion Editor February 5, 2016

The rise of STEM has brought attention and participation to the sciences, but at the cost of the humanities, which are just as important. In recent years, there has been an increased push toward encourage...

Bringing in refugees is worth the risk

Bringing in refugees is worth the risk

Eli Baum, Opinion Editor December 18, 2015

Despite fears that Syrian refugees may pose a threat to Americans through Islamic State (ISIS) infiltration, the risk is small and overshadowed by the benefits of helping refugees. The civil war in Syria...

Let students evaluate teachers

Let students evaluate teachers

Eli Baum, Opinion Editor October 30, 2015

Student evaluation of teachers should be a part of the school’s teacher evaluation process. Under the current teacher evaluation system, which ETHS adopted in 2013, teachers are evaluated only...

The pedestal problem: Be careful when choosing role models

The pedestal problem: Be careful when choosing role models

Eli Baum, Opinion Editor October 5, 2015

Celebrities may be talented at their profession, but that doesn’t make them good role models. Several recent news stories have involved actions taken by both athletes and entertainment figures that...

Plastic bag ban fails to address environmental problems

Plastic bag ban fails to address environmental problems

Eli Baum, Opinion Editor August 24, 2015

Banning plastic bags may be a ‘feel-good’ solution, but it’s not going to help the environment in any meaningful way. On Aug. 1, a ban on stores providing plastic bags to customers in both Evanston...

Evanston invests in security improvements

Eli Baum, News Editor May 1, 2015

Better safe than sorry. Both the front and back entrances in the building have undergone or will undergo renovations and security changes, in order to improve the safety of the school. The renovations...

Poetry Week inspires students stanza by stanza

Eli Baum, News Editor March 30, 2015

You don’t have to be a poet to take part in Poetry Week. Poetry Week will occur next week, beginning with Poetry Performances from poets Adam Gottlieb and Parneshia Jones, the ETHS Slam Team, and...

Adam Gottlieb, Poetry Week host

Poetry Week inspires students stanza by stanza

Eli Baum, News Editor March 27, 2015

You don’t have to be a poet to take part in Poetry Week. Poetry Week will occur next week, beginning with Poetry Performances from poets Adam Gottlieb and Parneshia Jones, the ETHS Slam Team, and...

Senior Alec Austin molds a ceramic bowl.

Community Service continues tradition of Empty Bowl

Eli Baum, News Editor December 18, 2014

In order to raise money for Evanston soup kitchens, ETHS will hold the annual Empty Bowl event on Dec. 10 in N112. “There is a lot of poverty and a lot of hungry people in Evanston,” said Community...

Community Service continues tradition of Empty Bowl

Eli Baum, News Editor November 25, 2014

In order to raise money for Evanston soup kitchens, ETHS will hold the annual Empty Bowl event on Dec. 10 in N112. “There is a lot of poverty and a lot of hungry people in Evanston,” said Community...

Eight ETHS students named semifinalists for national scholarship

Eli Baum, News Editor October 5, 2014

ETHS is achieving. Eight seniors were named as semifinalists for the 2015 National Achievement Scholarship Program, a scholarship created to recognize outstanding African-American students. The students...

Evanston observes Hispanic Heritage Month

Evanston observes Hispanic Heritage Month

Eli Baum, News Editor September 24, 2014

  In order to recognize Evanston’s Hispanic community, the City of Evanston and ETHS will be observing Hispanic Heritage Month, which lasts from Sept. 15-Oct. 15. Evanston will be hosting its...

There's An APP For That

There’s An APP For That

Eli Baum, News Editor August 26, 2014

Take a break from 2048 to check out ETHS’s new mobile app. The app, the result of a partnership between the Communications Office and the Instructional and Informational Technology (IIT) Dept., launched...

Holocaust Commemoration ends today with Israeli Fair

Holocaust Commemoration ends today with Israeli Fair

Eli Baum, News Editor May 9, 2014

To close out Holocaust Remembrance Week, ETHS will hold an Israeli Fair in A241 today. The Booster Club, the Jewish United Fund, the Jewish Student Union and Shorashim are sponsoring the fair, which...

Green Team to help with eco-friendly house

Green Team to help with eco-friendly house

Eli Baum, News Editor March 7, 2014

The Green Team will soon decide how to work with the Evanston Ecology Center, in order to promote the latter’s environmentally sustainable “tiny house.” Built by students from Northwestern’s...

News Editor

ETHS holds Frosh/Soph College Prep Night

Eli Baum, News Editor November 24, 2013

In order to help students start preparing for college earlier, ETHS held its first College Prep & Planning Night for Freshmen and Sophomores on Nov. 21           in the Auditorium. Beth...

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