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The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

By Evan Finder
The Oscars, a preview

The Oscars, a preview

Jonah Charlton, Sophia Weglarz and Evan Finder February 15, 2019

Best Picture By Jonah Charlton What should win: A Star is Born Yes, it’s a remake. Sure, it’s predictable. It’s definitely quintessential Hollywood. But Bradley Cooper’s rendition of this...

Films with Finder

Evan Finder, Staff Writer November 19, 2018

A Star Is Born This is the fourth film version of A Star is Born and many critics question whether anything new or interesting can be added to the story. Bradley Cooper was not one of those people; he...

Films with Finder

Evan Finder, Staff Writer August 27, 2018

Eighth Grade Bo Burnham’s directorial debut is grounded in a devastatingly awkward realism and that’s where it succeeds. The plot revolves around Kayla (Elsie Fisher), a girl about to graduate eighth...

Get ready for the Oscars!

Evan Finder, Entertainment Writer February 22, 2018

Phantom Thread Phantom Thread may appear to be just another stuffy period drama, but, it is something far more. It is both a power struggle between three intriguing characters in post-WWII England and...

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