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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, Layout Editor

By Ivy Hettinger-Roberts
ETHS alum remembered as the face of 7up

ETHS alum remembered as the face of 7up

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, Layout Editor August 24, 2015

“Fresh up with Seven-Up.” This was part of a national ad that also featured the picture of Michael C. McCaleb, who was chosen out of thousands. The ’52 ETHS grad recently passed away and is now...

Students display art at YEA Festival

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor May 1, 2015

Drop by the YEA Festival on May 16 at Raymond Park, and check out some of the many pieces, including paintings, photographs, and sculptures by ETHS students. The YEA Festival will go from 10 a.m. to...

Dreams Delivered program set for April 20-22

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor March 30, 2015

Prom dresses can cost several hundred dollars, but with the eighth annual Dreams Delivered program, you won’t have to spend nearly that much. The Dreams Delivered program, created by the Woman’s...

Dreams Delivered comes to Evanston

Dreams Delivered comes to Evanston

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor March 27, 2015

Prom dresses can cost several hundred dollars, but with the eighth annual Dreams Delivered program, you won’t have to spend nearly that much. The Dreams Delivered program, created by the Woman’s...

School renovations to focus on planetarium and tennis courts

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor February 27, 2015

A nicer planetarium, new tennis courts, and better labs. The Capital Improvements Program will soon be starting renovation work to make these newer facilities available to students during the next school...

New Welcome Center opens at ETHS

New Welcome Center opens at ETHS

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor October 5, 2014

To give parents a place to go for guidance and help with navigating ETHS, the new Welcome Center will be opening up Oct. 8 during parent-teacher conferences. “We decided that since students had just...

Harvard professor to discuss ways to improve school relations

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor September 29, 2014

A don’t-miss opportunity is coming to ETHS. Sara Lawrence-Lightfoot, a Harvard professor, is going to be lecturing at Evanston. Lightfoot, a professor of Education at Harvard, will be...

Olivia Larsen, sophomore, works on a geometry problem at practice.

Math Team competes at State today

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor May 1, 2014

After placing thirteenth out of 73 schools at Regionals, Math Team is heading to the ICTM State Meet at University of Illinois today and tomorrow. “We almost always are in the top ten schools for State,”...

English 101 class offered at Oakton

English 101 class offered at Oakton

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Reporter March 31, 2014

Oakton Community College (OCC) is collaborating with ETHS to offer a new class to students for the first time this summer. “This new class, English 101, will be partnered with a College Success Seminar,”...

Speech team advances to Sectionals

Speech team advances to Sectionals

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor February 14, 2014

  After its success at Regionals, the Speech Team is heading to Sectionals in Peoria this Feb. 15. “We’ve been working towards Sectionals and State all year,” said head coach Nancy...

Charity drive kicks off holiday season

Charity drive kicks off holiday season

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor November 24, 2013

To collect charity items, the Community Service Club will be hosting the annual Gift Drive for the needy Dec. 2 through Dec. 17. “This will be the fourth year we do the drive,” said Mary Collins,...

Junk food to be eliminated from vending machines

Junk food to be eliminated from vending machines

Ivy Hettinger-Roberts, News Editor October 29, 2013

Due to new rules set by the USDA, plans are underway to remove unhealthy foods from the school, starting next summer. “All candy will be removed and the bottled beverages will go down in size,”...

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