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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Madison Mann

Madison Mann, Staff Writer

Hi my name is Madison Mann, I use she/her/hers pronouns, am a Senior at ETHS, and this will be my first year on the Evanstonian staff. I decided to join the Evanstonian this year because I have always heard great things about being a part of the Evanstonian staff, and recently have taken up an interest in journalism. Outside of the Evanstonian, I am a part of the ETHS varsity tennis team and participate in multiple clubs including HOSA, community service club, and wildkit buddies. In my free time, I enjoy spending time with my friends and family.

By Madison Mann
All in this together: A hopeless romantic reflects on high school

All in this together: A hopeless romantic reflects on high school

Madison Mann, Staff Writer May 12, 2022

High school came as a bit of a surprise when I grew up religiously watching Disney movies every weekend. I remember counting down the years until high school started, excited to live out my High School...

Dreams Delivered, ETHS’ prom dress service, offers inclusive options for seniors

Ingrid Halverson and Madison Mann April 18, 2022

Hours of shopping, with tailored measurements, bedazzled jewelry and a dress to wear for one night only. The hundreds, and sometimes even thousands, of dollars spent per year on prom “necessities”,...

Local businesses ‘cautiously optimistic’ heading into spring

Local businesses ‘cautiously optimistic’ heading into spring

Mackenzie Greco and Madison Mann March 18, 2022

As Evanston nears the two-year anniversary of the COVID-19 lockdown, it is undeniable just how much the pandemic has shaped how our modern world functions. To see this in real-time, look no further than...

Students recount experiences with winter burnout, lack of motivation

Lily Kellams and Madison Mann February 28, 2022

As the short days drag on and the freezing weather continues, there is no question that many students have started to reach the point of burnout—schoolwork piles up, motivation decreases and the months...

When Foster School oepned, it featured an all-white student body. Over the next half century, the demographics shifted entirely, with the school featuring an all-Black student population by the 1950s.

‘It was a pillar’: Examining legacy of Evanston’s former Fifth Ward school

Evanstonians remember Foster School, a site of communal strength, and later, desegregation hardships has recently become a focus for discussions regarding race relations in Evanston.
Illustration by Mira Littmann

Students reflect on authenticity of social media activism

Clara Gustafson and Madison Mann November 19, 2021

With social media being such a prominent aspect of our everyday lives, it has also become a crucial outlet for activism for many users. Whether people use their platform to speak out against racism or...

After developing hobbies while in lockdown for COVID-19, students attempt to maintain their newfound interests as school returns to its normal pace.

Students attempt to stick with their pandemic hobbies

Ingrid Halverson and Madison Mann October 15, 2021

  During quarantine, everyone found ways to fill the endless hours. From art to sports, ETHS students searched high and low for fulfilling hobbies. However, as life is returning to normalcy, students...

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