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The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Matt Schroeder

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Editor

By Matt Schroeder

Trash talk too often crosses the line

Matt Schroeder, Sports Columnist April 8, 2016

I love trash talk. It is an art form and an integral part of most sports. It’s a skill that separates the witty from the weak-minded and the composed from the cry babies--but there’s a line, and ETHS...

Students don't realize the importance of the ImPACT test

Students don’t realize the importance of the ImPACT test

Matt Schroeder, Sports Columnist February 5, 2016

While students deliberately fail the ImPACT test in hopes to slyly alleviate the risks of concussion detection, students are only hurting themselves. Students don’t understand the significance of...

Kits take seventh in first annual Chester Jones invite

Kits take seventh in first annual Chester Jones invite

Matt Schroeder, Sports Columnist January 21, 2016

Although the girls gymnastics team finished seventh out of eight teams at the first annual Chester Jones Invitational, the team was successful considering the inexperience and injuries that have plagued...

Athletes should continue to get admission benefits

Athletes should continue to get admission benefits

Matt Schroeder, Sports Columnist December 18, 2015

If you think the benefits that otherwise academically unqualified athletes get when applying to college are unfair, you are ignoring the holistic review that your own application will receive. As an...

Boys soccer must be remembered as champions

Boys soccer must be remembered as champions

Matt Schroeder, Sports Columnist November 20, 2015

One loss doesn’t define a season. Despite the fact that boys soccer fell 1-0 to Libertyville in super sectionals, this team should be remembered as winners, not the team that almost made it to state. 21...

Lebron vs. MJ debate oblivious to common sense

Lebron vs. MJ debate oblivious to common sense

Matt Schroeder, Sports Columnist October 30, 2015

With the NBA season underway, the age-old debate of “who’s the GOAT” is back once again. While Michael Jordan may be the greatest player of all time, the argument defending these points is faulty...

IHSA should include athletes with disabilities

IHSA should include athletes with disabilities

Matt Schroeder, Sports Columnist September 18, 2015

Let him run. Sophomore Aaron Holzmueller’s cerebral palsy hasn’t stopped him from being one of the top athletes in the school, so it shouldn’t stop him from running at the state cross country meet. Aaron...

Wildkit football won't suck this year

Wildkit football won’t suck this year

Matt Schroeder, Sports Columnist August 24, 2015

For the past three years our football team has been disappointing, but I know that this year things will be different. Inspired by the beloved defensive Coach Steve King who passed away last year, the...

Student election system needs change

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer May 1, 2015

Stop whining and start voting However, students still complain about aspects of the school they don’t like such as: Snapchat is blocked on the wifi, the food doesn’t taste good, the parking lots...

Push class selection back to more education forward

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer March 30, 2015

Push it back. Students need more time to pick their classes so they have a better idea of their level of interest and qualification for these courses. With the way selection is currently set up at...

Students waste service opportunities

Students waste service opportunities

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer February 11, 2015

Family First! Many ETHS students are involved in community service projects. These efforts should focus on the Evanston area first and foremost. The Evanston community should be your first priority...

Drop It Increase First Night attendance with ball drop

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer December 18, 2014

Imagine Times Square on New Year’s Eve. A spectacle that few have attended, but many Evanstonians have watched on TV. This event is the pinnacle of New Year’s Eve--the Holy Grail of the New Year--and...

Black Friday shouldn't start on Thanksgiving

Black Friday shouldn’t start on Thanksgiving

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer November 25, 2014

Retailers wake up! Most national retailers are now starting Black Friday on Thursday afternoon, which is, to put it bluntly, stupid. This is Thanksgiving after all and it is to supposed to signify appreciating...

You can go 24 hours without your phone

You can go 24 hours without your phone

Matt Schroeder, Opinion Writer October 5, 2014

Put it down! You’re tuning out on life while tuning in to your phone. Let’s face it, social media isn’t all that important. You shouldn’t care about your ratio or the number of likes you got...

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