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The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Cam Mulvihill

Cam Mulvihill, Staff Writer

By Cam Mulvihill

5 Questions for Tim Rhoze

Cam Mulvihill, Staff Writer February 15, 2019

Tim Rhoze is an accomplished actor, director and current resident of Evanston. Rhoze has appeared in shows such as Grey’s Anatomy and Friends. Currently, Rhoze is an artistic director at Fleetwood-Jourdain...

YAMO preforms closing act.

Cam-mentary on YAMO

Cam Mulvihill, Staff Writer November 19, 2018

YAMO 2018 was comedic gold. Dozens of our students showcased their theatrical and comical talents. The show included hilarious scenes ranging from parents disliking some of the biggest new songs to...

YAMO's Impulse company performs the scene "Witchcraft."

Choose YAMOwn Adventure

Cam Mulvihill, Staff Writer October 7, 2018

As YAMO nears our calendars, the excitement grows as the theme of the show brings a different style of show. YAMO’s overarching theme changes year to year, but this show is something that has never...

Blake Shelton performs at Country Lakeshake.

Beat the heat

Sofie Kennedy, Sophie Monzo and Cam Mulvihill August 27, 2018

\Pitchfork, Lollapalooza and LakeShake were among several music festivals students attended this summer. Names as notable as Lauryn Hill, Post Malone, Bruno Mars, Travis Scott and Blake Shelton came...

Cam-mentary on A Chorus Line

Cam-mentary on A Chorus Line

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor April 27, 2018

A night full of music, dancing, comedic relief, and emotion was kicked off by auditionees showing off their skills to their director, Zach, played by Eric Periman. The hopeful dancers were soon informed...

Jan Schakowsky speaks in the Hub on Friday, April 6.

Congresswoman Schakowsky visits ETHS to discuss gun reform

Cam Mulvihill and Mac Stone April 10, 2018

After receiving hundreds of phone calls from students during the March 14 walkout, Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky visited ETHS last Friday to speak on gun control and the importance of high school students...

Upcoming Local Concerts

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor February 22, 2018

Step Up! E-squad creates tight team bond

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor December 15, 2017

Family togetherness All teams are close making for good chemistry, but E-Squad’s bond goes beyond is consider family like. “It’s just a bond you can’t get anywhere else,” says coach Djuwanna...

Jasper Davidoff, Audrey Wientjes, Simon Lequar, Theresa Tsaggaris, and John Johnson practice for the show.

Jazz Band showcases skills at Big Band concert

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor November 21, 2017

Bands on bands. The Big Band Concert on Dec. 5-6 in the ETHS Auditorium will feature swing music from the 30s and 40s played by each level of Jazz Band. Big Band Jazz consists of four sections...

Students present art at open house

Students present art at open house

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor November 3, 2017

500 pieces of art. 500 themed visual artworks ranging from sculptures to mixed media video projects from District 65 and 202 students are going to be featured at this year’s D65/202 Visual Arts Open...

The ETHS Theatre program advertises the YAMO 60th anniversary show on their website.

Big names back in Evanston

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor October 14, 2017

The stars come back. As YAMO’s 60th anniversary rolls into town this October, so will many Evanston alumni, some being very well known. Evanston YAMO alumni will be performing in their own...

The YAMO cast prepares for their upcoming show

A murder mystery in Evanston

Cam Mulvihill, Entertainment Editor September 22, 2017

Old but still gold. As YAMO’s 60th anniversary arrives this fall, the themes of past shows fuel this year’s “YAMO, She Wrote” murder mystery theme. According to senior General Director Asher...

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