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The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Jane Mather-Glass

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Columnist

By Jane Mather-Glass

Try not to hate being a teenager

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Columnist May 28, 2017

Being a teenager sometimes seems like the worst and most uncomfortable stage of life, but if you try and look at the positives, it's not so bad. As much as I like to be cynical about high school, I...

Sexual assault education must improve

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Columnist April 21, 2017

While most ETHS health classes go in depth on mental and physical health, teachers and their curriculums are not free of stigma when it comes to sexual assault. It’s time teachers educate the student...

Alternative facts for life

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Columnist February 24, 2017

You might have heard that alternative facts are “lies” or “falsehoods,” but really they’re a perfect solution to all your problems throughout high school and life in general! Here’s the...

Our generation misuses social media

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Columnist February 6, 2017

Log off. Social media is a great platform to connect and share, but it can easily turn toxic when misused, especially in our generation. The way we use social media is no longer just about sharing...

Microaggressions make impacts

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Columnist December 16, 2016

Know the meaning of your words. Some things you say may seem neutral to you but these things are, in fact, hurtful and feed negative stereotypes. Microaggressions often seem like they would be a...

Trump won. Now what?

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Columnist November 22, 2016

President Trump. Unfortunately we’re going to have to hear those words for the next four years. All we can do now is come together, be here for each other, and make sure our voices are heard. These...

Trump puts us at risk

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Colmnist October 5, 2016

Dump Trump. If we keep giving Trump free passes and treat him as a joke, this country will be in real danger. Trump is not a “normal” candidate. He is an extremist who puts the majority of Americans...

New college applications put too much pressure on students

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Columnist August 22, 2016

Freshmen, get ready to start your college applications. Although that sounds daunting, it may be reality due to a new college application that entails creating a portfolio starting freshman year. This...

Students must know what means no

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Editor April 26, 2016

Only yes means yes. Sexual assault is not a stranger to ETHS, and students must be taught exactly what it means to give consent and why disregarding it is a serious problem. April is Sexual Assault...

Students must take interest in 2016 election

Students must take interest in 2016 election

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Editor February 5, 2016

You might think that you don’t need to pay attention to the presidential election, but the issues being discussed are more relevant to students than you may realize. Politics often seem dry and irrelevant...

Living in liberal areas blinds us from problems outside our community

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Editor December 18, 2015

It’s not over. Any problems that seem like they’ve been fixed in Evanston aren’t necessarily fixed everywhere else, and it’s time for us to pay attention. Evanston has a supermajority of democrats,...

The Pledge of Allegiance serves no real purpose

The Pledge of Allegiance serves no real purpose

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Editor November 20, 2015

Stay seated. The Pledge of Allegiance doesn’t mean anything to most students and shouldn’t be mandated in Illinois schools. At the age of five, we learned the 31 words of the pledge...


Freshman PE classes don’t need gender separation

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Editor October 30, 2015

Mix it up. Freshman PE classes should be co-ed just like they are for every other grade. The gender separation of freshmen physical education classes doesn’t really have much of a reason, and...

AP classes overshadow other options

AP classes overshadow other options

Jane Mather-Glass, Opinion Editor October 5, 2015

Don’t feel pressured into AP. Students shouldn’t feel so inclined to take harder classes that they forget about all their other options. Going to ETHS is a unique experience because students...

8 questions for Kweku Collins

Jane Mather-Glass, Feature Editor May 1, 2015

Next time you see senior Kweku Collins in the hallway, high five him and congratulate him on his recent record deal. His lifelong interest in music has helped develop his path to this point. With a career...

More than a sub Brownstein’s life outside of ETHS

Jane Mather-Glass, Feature Editor March 30, 2015

Chances are, if you’ve had a substitute teacher at some point during your ETHS career, you’ve walked into a classroom and met Bill Brownstein. The current sub taught for 36 ½ years before coming to...

Sophomore Laurianne Pene marvels at the cleanliness of the BCC.

BCC is cleaner than you think

Jane Mather-Glass, Feature Writer February 27, 2015

No need to bring hand sanitizer. Despite what you might think, the BCC is no dirtier than an average classroom. “There’s no real place where you’ll find every single thing spotless,” says...

Teenagers wrestle with procrastination

Teenagers wrestle with procrastination

Jane Mather-Glass, Feature Editor December 18, 2014

I’ll do it later. Even if you believe you work better under pressure, you won’t do as well if you procrastinate, and you run the risk of not turning work in at all. High school students always...

The Whole Wheat Truth

Jane Mather-Glass, Feature Editor December 18, 2014

While you may think that cutting out gluten is the best thing for your diet, new research has proved otherwise. “Often in gluten-free products, what you’re having to use to maintain that pliability...

Teenage wrestle with procrastination

Jane Mather-Glass, Feature Editor November 25, 2014

I’ll do it later. Even if you believe you work better under pressure, you won’t do as well if you procrastinate. High school students always seem to be buried in work and often feel like the...

ETHS students give back to the community through philanthropy

ETHS students give back to the community through philanthropy

Jane Mather-Glass, Feature Editor October 5, 2014

While you may have heard of the term “philanthropy” a few times but not really know what it means, a select group of students are becoming experts on the subject. According to Mary Collins, Community...

A good fit

A good fit

Jane Mather-Glass, Feature Editor October 2, 2014

  While gym class may be dreaded for some, you’ll always be looking forward to P.E. when you’re in Fusion Fitness. Fusion Fitness is not a new P.E. class, but it’s been totally revamped....

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