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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Linnea Lipson

Linnea Lipson, Executive Editor

By Linnea Lipson
ETHS curriculum unlike any other

ETHS curriculum unlike any other

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor May 29, 2015

Don’t worry, seniors, the future is yours for the taking. ETHS has given students unique opportunities that few other high schoolers have access to. It is for this reason that our students should...

‘Prom house’ tradition is treacherous, risky

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor May 1, 2015

Hey seniors, it’s time to reconsider your prom house. Every year, many students leave after their senior prom to go to a vacation home with all of their friends. Usually, this is a continuation of...

Students and teachers quibble over parking lots

Linnea Lipson and Peggy Giordano March 30, 2015

In previous years students have been ticketed if they park in a lot not assigned to them, but this year problems have arisen that caused the parking lots to be wildly overcrowded. Recently, students...

Athletes have the obligation to give back to community

Athletes have the obligation to give back to community

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor February 27, 2015

While serving the community is important for all students, athletes should be required to participate in community service activities as a part of their team. It is important that sports teams learn...

Seniors should not drop second semester classes

Seniors should not drop second semester classes

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor February 11, 2015

It’s not break time. Now that it’s second semester, many seniors are ready to drop their more difficult classes in exchange for free periods, which is not a good idea in terms of the college acceptance...

Cotillion excludes majority of students

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor December 18, 2014

This dance is too exclusive. Every year, the Women’s Club of Evanston sponsors a dance that deliberately excludes many of the ETHS junior and seniors. Only a select coterie of girls will get chosen...

Safety officers must stop profiling students on gender and race

Safety officers must stop profiling students on gender and race

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor November 25, 2014

While students are supposed to be stopped by Safety officers for being in the halls without a pass, many are stopped simply based on gender or race. Many students manage to slip by security without...

It’s free! Wildkit Academy ACT class deserves more attention

It’s free! Wildkit Academy ACT class deserves more attention

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor October 5, 2014

Save your money and attend Wildkit Academy ACT prep. Some of you are beginning ACT prep with expensive, private tutors. This is a waste of money with the option of Wildkit Academy ACT prep, offered...

Homecoming court should be abolished

Homecoming court should be abolished

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor October 3, 2014

Although ETHS continues to crown Homecoming King and Queen, we live in a generation that is too progressive to give a select few teenagers crowns for their success in popularity. Putting big posters...

Sheeran changes the meaning of live music in Chicago

Sheeran changes the meaning of live music in Chicago

Linnea Lipson, Opinion Editor October 1, 2014

While most artists come to a live performance equipped with backup singers and a full band, Ed Sheeran graced the stage at Allstate Arena on Sept. 16 with a loop pedal, a guitar and a microphone. I’ve...

Chaney will take on Nicaragua

Chaney will take on Nicaragua

Linnea Lipson, In-Depth Writer May 29, 2014

Instead of taking the typical post high school track, Stephan Chaney will be taking a gap year and traveling to Managua and Cusmapa, two cities in Nicaragua next year. Stephan will be working with the...

Online profiles aid in college search

Linnea Lipson, In-Depth Writer May 9, 2014

More students are logging out of Naviance and back onto Facebook. “When students in high school search for posts on social media about ‘blogs of college students’ days’ it seems to give a lot...

Evanston’s history of segregation brought to light

Linnea Lipson, In-Depth Editor March 31, 2014

Evanston was pushed into segregation. “Segregation in Evanston began in 1910. Members of the community fought segregation, but it was more forced on the community by real estate companies and the...

Dramatic Drop

Dramatic Drop

Linnea Lipson, In-Depth Editor March 11, 2014

While Chicago has a reputation as America’s most murderous city, Evanston’s crime and violence rate is seeing a change. “Violent crime in Evanston in 2013 was down 20 percent compared to 2012,”...

Thanksgiving has taken a new meaning

Linnea Lipson, Feature Writer November 24, 2013

It’s that time of year again. Thanksgiving is approaching and celebrations have changed considerably. What was once sitting around a table making thanks for a successful harvest, is now spent by lounging...

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