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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Maria Gomez

Maria Gomez, Staff Writer

By Maria Gomez

Opinion | La labor de Ms. S

Maria Gomez, Staff Writer March 15, 2023

¿Quién se encarga de aquellos estudiantes que no saben inglés? Bueno, en realidad hay todo un programa para ellos. Que va más allá de las clases categorizadas como  "English as a Second Language"....

Opinion | Having friends in ETHS is hard

Maria Gomez, Staff Writer November 10, 2022

Making friends is hard in any situation. It is especially difficult, however, to  ask another student if you can sit and have lunch with them. I know this, because I was a new student last year. I remember...

Opinion | Are you really going to college to succeed?

Maria Gomez, Staff Writer September 23, 2022

Our society seems to present college as a route that will determine our future, income, and the rest of our life. The pressure is just terrifying. There are so many steps and so much to think about, with...

Opinion | Foreign students should celebrate their cultures, not hide them while at school

Maria Gomez, Staff Writer April 18, 2022

 Believing that not fitting in is a problem or that being afraid to walk in the halls is silly or pathetic. It is a feeling that I and many students have felt as a new person in school. I arrived in Evanston...

Opinión | Preguntas de selección múltiple están sobrevaloradas

Maria Gomez, Staff Writer February 28, 2022

Mi vida siempre se ha compuesto de cómo mi  valoración personal  está totalmente determinada por la calificación de un examen o mi GPA. Es muchas veces irritante el saber que mi salud mental solo...

Illustration by Kupu Sumi

Opinión | El colegio no es para dormir, la casa no es para estudiar

Maria Gomez, Staff Writer December 23, 2021

La vida de los jóvenes  se caracteriza por una sola rutina que se repite sin otro propósito que su año escolar. Los estudiantes se esfuerzan por sobresalir y llevar sus años de estudio de una manera...

Opinion | El orden siempre ha side desorden

Maria Gómez, Staff Writer November 19, 2021

La política es una de las áreas más complejas y difusas que ha inventado el hombre; está teniendo miles de salidas, razones y maneras de ser ejecutada. Tanto es así, que hasta darle un significado...

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