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The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

The Evanstonian

Decoded: The student who pushed ETHS to remove its sexist dress code

Decoded: The student who pushed ETHS to remove its sexist dress code

Izzy Rudolph, Assistant Feature Editor December 16, 2022

As the crisp air swept past then-junior Marjie Erickson when she left her house to head to school in 2015, her mind wandered to all the excitement for the play she would take part in at school that day....

Illustration by Aiyana Jehan

Just a 30-minute cab ride away: An inside look at North Cook Young Adult Academy

Jian Kramer couldn’t remember how that pocket knife even got there in the first place, but now it sat in the palm of the safety officer's hand, staring Kramer back in the face: a mindless error that would change the course of his entire high school education.

Lines out the door for Evanston Symphony Orchestra’s annual holiday concert

Sophia Siddiqui, Staff Writer December 15, 2022

On Sunday, Dec. 11, ETHS hosted the Evanston Symphony Orchestra’s (ESO) yearly holiday concert. The line for tickets was out the door and wrapping around Dodge Ave as Evanston residents waited for the...

Evanston falls to Glenbrook South in the sectional semi-finals, ending their season

Owen Chiss, Staff Writer March 4, 2022

Despite winning four games in a row coming into Tuesday night’s battle with Glenbrook South, the Kits ultimately fell 69-53, against a team in the Titans that is seemingly a real competitor for the Class...

ETHS set to become mask optional as of Feb. 28

ETHS set to become mask optional as of Feb. 28

Eden Drajpuch, Executive Editor February 22, 2022
As of Feb. 22, ETHS is set to transition to a mask-optional model on Monday, Feb. 28. Students and families were made aware of this change in an email addressed from Superintendent Eric Witherspoon. In ETHS’ mask-optional model, masks will no longer be required but will continue to be encouraged among staff and students to mitigate the spread of COVID-19. 
Local newspapers documented the push and pull between the groups in favor of District 65 Superintendent Gregory Coffin and his integration plan and those who wanted him removed from his position.

‘White frames of reference, “white is right” conclusions’: How integrating Evanston’s District 65 divided the city

Maddie Coyle, Ahania Soni, Amy Grill and Kamau Ransom January 28, 2022
Gregory Coffin. A name that was once synonymous with hope, with a bright future for our kids—a nationally renowned educator singled out for his success. That name has now slipped away into obscurity. How did the shift from the only educator featured in Who’s Who in America to a name you can only find in old newspaper archives occur? And more specifically, why did it happen in Evanston? 
Since its founding, Evanston has been shaped by those in favor of a segregated town and those who have pushed Evanston to be more equitable and accepting.

‘Microcosm of the world’: Evanston as a political ‘proving ground’

Meg Houseworth, Jojo Wertheimer and Jilian Denlow January 28, 2022
Evanston was shaped by both perpetrators and trailblazers, all of whom played an instrumental role in forming the city we call home. From real estate practices to voting tendencies, Evanston functions in the ways that it does as a result of its history with civic engagement and local policy choices. 
When Foster School oepned, it featured an all-white student body. Over the next half century, the demographics shifted entirely, with the school featuring an all-Black student population by the 1950s.

‘It was a pillar’: Examining legacy of Evanston’s former Fifth Ward school

Evanstonians remember Foster School, a site of communal strength, and later, desegregation hardships has recently become a focus for discussions regarding race relations in Evanston.
Evanstonians, ETHS community members reflect on opportunity gap, efforts to detrack at ETHS

Evanstonians, ETHS community members reflect on opportunity gap, efforts to detrack at ETHS

Over the years, ETHS has been consistently scrutinized for its opportunity gap. However, it wasn’t until 2010 when action was taken to detrack select ETHS courses. Despite the process continuing today, much controversy remains. 
Illustration by Lila Portis

The foundation of Northwestern and Evanston’s bond: a history of partnerships and conflict

Lauren Dain, Sophia Sherman and Jared Tucker January 28, 2022
Since the founding of Northwestern, the North Shore has established itself as a community built on moral values associated with the religious and intellectual influences of the university. 

A ‘tremendous’ divide: tracking exacerbates opportunity gap at ETHS

January 28, 2022

Stepping into the halls of Evanston Township High School circa 1992, one would find themselves briefly submerged in the high school’s forever-favorite advertisement: a “melting pot” of students,...

‘Foster School was a pillar’: honoring the legacy of Foster School

January 28, 2022

Closely following the closure of Foster School and the move of Martin Luther King Jr. Laboratory School into the Second Ward, families throughout Evanston had different reactions to the educational changes.  “I...

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