Actors prepare for frosh-soph production

Frosh-soph actors prepare for the production
October 28, 2016
Suits me.
Starting on Nov. 3, this year’s Frosh-Soph production of The Wonderful Ice Cream Suit will take place, focusing on celebrating Mexican culture in a more contemporary production.
“We’ve focused on more classical pieces in the past, but this play has modern dress and really reflects our own times,” says director Anne Lefkovitz. “The dancers will wear more traditional folkloric concerts like big skirts which will be very colorful and add authentic flavor.”
Unlike previous plays, this production follows a more fast- paced, comedic and contemporary pace. It focuses on Mexican culture, music, and pure adventure. Written by Ray Bradbury, this is a unique piece.
This production is a comedy set in a Mexican- American city following six men living in poverty, following the journey of these men to find a suit with the ability to change their lives, with the production follows their journey.
The Frosh-Soph production is unique due to its set-up. Only freshman and sophomore actors perform, creating more opportunities for these young creators.
“I joined Frosh-Soph because it’s a great opportunity to do theatre without the added pressures that come with Upstairs productions,” says junior and assistant director Meredith Byrnes.
This year brings in a large amount of aspiring actors, with about 17 people involved in the production in total. The main two music types used are mariachi and cha-cha. The set is handcrafted, giving more focus to the intricate details this production is focused on.
“The music is fast paced Mexican music,” says freshman dancer Janiah Taylor. “It is very silly and fun.”
In order to ensure authenticity, the crew regularly consults with Joshua Zapeda, a social worker at the school, to ensure that the music chosen reflects the culture correctly.
“This production is not perfect, seeing as we don’t have nearly as many Latinx students in the play,” says Liz Krema, freshman. “However, if we’re able to acknowledge this as well as portray the rich Mexican culture as well as we can, I have complete faith future productions will continue to become more tolerant, more vibrant, and more universal with each passing year.”
This production starts on Nov. 3 in the Little Theatre. Tickets cost $5.