The news site of Evanston Township High School's student newspaper

Emma Thomas

Tennis players prepare for tryouts.

Game, set, match: Girls tennis looks to build off last season’s success

Last fall, Evanston’s top doubles team—Maddie Pollard and Linden Wadsworth—finished their season just shy of the state tournament.

Although tennis is a primarily individual sport, head coach Leanne Baker highlights the importance of having a team-centered mindset. Regardless of one’s distinguished role on the team, the girls come together each season to serve as cheerleaders, motivators and fellow competitors.

“Each year, we have a hard time saying goodbye to our seniors, but it’s always great to see new players step into key roles of the team,” Baker says. “Our captains are always very important, so when we lose them, it’s always difficult. But on the other hand, it’s exciting to see new captains step into that role.”

Seniors Caroline Streicker and Gabriella Baichwal have been named captains for the 2023-24 season. Both players were selected because they embody the core values of the program and are models of leadership and sportsmanship.

“Being a captain was something I have been working towards,” Streicker says. “Because tennis can feel like an individual sport at times, it can be mentally challenging. Gabriella and I hope to set a good example of not being too hard on yourself. Mistakes will happen but it is super important that everyone knows that they are on the team for a reason and they should feel proud of themselves.”

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